Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday Night: The Week Ahead

Since Friday's Rocephin treatment, I've had health issues consistent with too much sodium chloride intake. All of this past week, the IV Rocephin was mixed in a sodium chloride or saline bag. The treatment center- unlike the infusion center where I have the Remicade treatments- was not familiar with my particular saline sensitivity. So, the flushes used to clean out my veins before and after the Rocephin was done was with saline. Add the saline to the extra fluid retention I've had in the recent weeks and it was just too much for my body to handle. Starting yesterday afternoon, I began having labored breathing, accelerated heart rate, headache, fever and blurred vision. It got so bad that Mom and Dad had to give me extra electrolytes and I spent most of yesterday evening on the couch. These symptoms used to occur after surgeries when I was given saline.

For the next two days I am going to drink fluids and try to rid my body of the extra sodium. I remembered when my Mom suspected the sodium chloride was a problem back when I was in the hospital and the saline ran all day. I was sure I was being poisoned by it but one of the doctors said, "It can't be! That's like being allergic to air!" It wasn't until we wrote about it on the blog that other people, some with HPS, began to write and tell me of the same adverse reaction.

Jim and Sandy left early this morning for their trip home to Oklahoma. I think they're actually going to spend some time sightseeing in Olde Salem, North Carolina. I hope their ride home is as enjoyable as it was having them in our home this past week.

This week, I have several doctor appointments. Yesterday, I got a paper in the mail stating that I needed to reschedule my GI appointment for a later time on Wednesday afternoon or for another day. I plan to call my GI doctor in the morning to reschedule. Please pray that I can get an appointment this week. I need to discuss with him my recent esophagus issues. I also meet with my hematologist and endocrinologist this week.

Tuesday morning at 11:30, I have my first job interview. The job is at a local organization that assists people with disabilities or low income to live independently. Actually there are two job openings, both of which are part time. I was recommended by my local Department for the Blind case worker three weeks ago, but I didn't get the call from the human resource department until this past Thursday... actually while I was at the treatment center getting my IV Rocephin. The Lord knew I needed that type of encouragement on that day. If I can be of help to others and serve people in this way, then my prayer of getting this job will be answered. If not, I can wait until the right thing comes along.

"The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps." -Proverbs 16:9