Monday, April 23, 2007

Goodness and Mercy

Mom and I babysat Annelise from 10:00-5:00pm today. Annelise is almost five months old, so she’s at a really fun stage of development. We stopped at Goodwill this afternoon and Annelise had all of the shoppers grinning and cooing at her! We also managed to buy a couple of outfits for her. I can’t help it. I love holding up little dresses or summer pants to Annelise, only to have her smile and reach out her hands, as if to say, “Pick that one! I want to wear that one!” Can a five-month-old have fashion sense? I do believe so.

Last night’s small group lesson was about, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all of the days of my life,” (from Psalm 23) and then I read in my personal Bible study about the “treasures” the Lord has for us when we walk with Him in faith, even during the “dark” circumstances of our lives. The over-all goal for this week’s Bible study is to be able to state (and live out), “It is well with my soul even if it may not be well with my circumstances”.

Today, I felt the goodness and mercy of the Lord. My circumstances were pleasant. However, as the Bible study teaches, there is danger in measuring our walk with the Lord based on circumstances. If I have learned or experienced anything over the past nine months, it is that the Lord does indeed show goodness and mercy in all circumstances, especially during the dark days of suffering.

The Lord has blessed me with strength and joy all day and I’m so thankful. However, I’m even more grateful for His presence- filled with goodness and mercy- that He bestows on me each day, despite the circumstances of life. He does not measure out His goodness and mercy based on the mood of my soul. Instead, He is Jehovah-Jirah, meaning, “The Lord will see. The Lord will provide”.

  1. Aleah Yunger Says:

    It’s such a blessing to read this — to know the walk you are walking and the “dark” places you have seen. You constantly put my life into perspective, and what a blessing that is. Praise God for a pain-free day!! But as you say, also Praise Him for being Him and for being with us always. Can’t wait to see you sometime soon! Love and Peace in Him, Aleah

  2. andrea russell Says:

    Katy I am so happy your feeling better :)

    Praise the Lord for even a few hours of no pain and be able to go out and see different thing, and enjoy the moment!
    Here is a song for you….

    Love and Blessings

  3. Jennifer S. :-) Says:

    What a blessing and encouragement this post is! I’m so thankful for you and your outlook on life. Thanks for sharing! :)
    Love and prayers,
    Jen :-)

  4. Jess Says:

    Hey Katy!
    I totally agree and all I can say is AMEN! I’m so tempted to judge my walk w/ the Lord based on my circumstances. You and your family have been such a great encouragement to me - as I watch you and your amazing attitude that can only come from knowing and trusting in the Lord - I am humbled! You continue to inspire and encourage - thank you my friend!

    I’m glad that you are having some good days - they are such a blessing and it’s wonderful that the weather is cooperating! I can’t believe Annelise is 5 months old already! That is a fun stage - they seem to be able to relate more and more every day - and the good news is they just get more and more fun! Waiting till the crawling starts! That is one of my favorite phases!! :) Love ya! Jess

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Bedroom Redo

Wow! I can’t believe tomorrow is Friday already. It has been a full, but wonderful week. I’m so thankful for the strength to help Mom around the house. It’s a joy to work alongside of her on decorating projects.

Below are pictures from my bedroom makeover. We changed the window treatments, added a desk, moved furniture, and spring-cleaned. It’s now a restful, organized, practical, and beautiful bedroom. Enjoy!




  1. Jennifer S. :-) Says:

    Katy–what a beautiful makeover!! That’s so exciting!! Thanks for sharing pictures. I’m going to try to come see you once I get done with school in about three weeks. Hopefully the Remicaide will still be doing its job!! :)
    Love and prayers,
    Jen :)

  2. Aleah Yunger Says:

    Oh, Katy, I love the purple!!! It’s beautiful :) what a great new desk too. I love it all! Can’t wait to stop by sometime soon. Glad to hear such good things coming from your way. Love, Aleah

  3. Aunt Lil Says:

    Dear Katy, Oh, DOESN’T it feel good to have a room makeover! It’s like having a new room. I used to love to do that in Africa, with my old beat-up hand-me-downs from many missionaries… and a couch cover-up of fake leopard-skin over the ugly dark couch cover! It always gave me SUCH a morale boost - great to come home to after a long day at the hospital. And do you know, I’ve just gotten new aqua scarf valances in my living room, and got out my old set of purple violets cushions and throw to go on the couch below the curtains - the same color combo - a lilac cushion, too. :-) !

    Had such a great talk with your Mom on the phone this eve! She will tell you about it. Wow! an exciting possibility has come up!

    I just went into the children’s choir and listened to it twice again! It is so thrilling! I’m guessing it comes from England - that big cathedral… I wish you could make that one of your permanent links…? I’d also, Katy, love to see that wonderful strong testimony of yours, from several months ago, go up on the links. I am just thanking the Lord SO MUCH that the Remacaide is working so well and that you have assurance that it will continue to work well for you! BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD,

    Much love, Aunt Lil

  4. Sandy Says:

    I like both the before and after! What a beautiful room. It all looks lovely. I’m so glad you have had such a great week — you were long overdue for that! Hugs to you and continued prayers.

  5. Candice & Crystal Sipe Says:

    Katy! Thanks for sharing those pics with us. Your room is so beautiful!! I love the pastel colors!! You decorate so nicely. Glad your feeling better and we’ll continue to keep you in our prayers as you taper off the Prednisone.

  6. Mike Theesfield Says:

    Dear Katy,
    I don’t think that propeller is big enough to make the room fly…

    Cousin Mike

  7. Tiffany Allen Says:

    Hi Katy,

    Your room looks beautiful! I am so glad that the Remicade is working and that you are able to do all of the things that you enjoy. Praise God! Know that you are in my daily prayers.


  8. Karen Tillman Says:

    It looks like an entirely different place!!! What a fabulous job you guys did.
    Take care and continue on your path of recovery!
    Karen T

  9. Heather Kirkwood Says:

    I love that dresser! I’m a big fan of French impressionist art - and that reminds me of it. Grin!

    Great job with the room!

  10. Doris Harriff Says:

    There is a neat effect in those last 2 pictures before the desk; the flowers in the bowl on the dresser (in the lower picture) appear to be part of the flowers painted on the dresser in the picture above.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Treasures in Heaven

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:18-21)

I want to tell you of one of the treasures of Heaven. It has been mentioned before in previous posts that the music of Heaven has taken my soul captive. Jesus has allowed me to hear and see a Heavenly choir of children singing praises to the King of Kings. Just before Christmas, when Jesus carried me to Heaven, I heard the children singing Once In Royal David’s City. It is hard to describe the perfect harmony of millions and millions of children raising their voices to their Heavenly Father. I have wanted to use words to describe the beauty, but the English language is not complete enough to express it.

Once while I was looking on the internet for a children’s choir hoping to find a way to show my friends and family what I experienced in Heaven, I happened upon a website that does come close to the treasure Jesus showed me. I want this to be a gift to the parents of those children who have joined that Heavenly choir. Imagine if you will, the faces of millions of children standing strong and singing with great joy. They are free from all pain, all suffering, and all destruction. They are in perfect peace and their voices are steady, strong, and sure. Their praise is pure. Jesus takes great delight in their singing.

To see and hear the music I mentioned above, click on the link below:

Immanuel- Songs of Praise 7th January 2007


  1. Donna Wilson Says:

    Thanks for sharing Katy. The children’s music is beautiful and brought tears. I can envision Skylar in the heavenly choir singing. Love ya, ~Donna~

  2. Doris Harriff Says:

    I have a child in heaven. I miscarried at 2 months. I always think of the child as “she,” although I had no idea of the sex. If she had survived she would be about 38 now. But do children grow up in heaven? Surely infants don’t always remain infants, and a baby who was yet unborn would have to be different in heaven. I have my own idea that perhaps they grow much more slowly than they would on earth, and that in heaven, my little Jeanine (that was the name we had chosen) is still a child.

  3. Jennifer Blugerman Says:

    Katy, thank you beyond words for once again lifting us into the heavens with you! God is using your experience to give hope and strength to many!The crown of glory God is preparing for you will be stunning indeed! It was awesome to see you worshiping at church yesterday! Emma and Matt were so excited to see you there signing the praise songs again! You are teaching them with your faithfulness, joy, and perseverance. And sharing your visions of Heaven leave them wondering and thinking beyond the here and now which children typically live in. They are learning that there is an eternal perspective that they need to consider and a home which is awaiting the faithful that is far greater than this one. I can tell them Bible stories, tell them of heaven, tell them of God’s power, but you bring it real time to them. They see that God is active and present with His people, not just the people in the Bible or people across the world, but with the very people in their midst! And therefore, with them also! Thank you!

  4. Jennifer S. :-) Says:

    I haven’t heard something as beautiful as that in a long time. Thank you for sharing!!! :) Truly the music in heaven will be wondrous. :)
    Love and prayers,
    Jen :-)

  5. Aunt Lil Says:

    Katy, truly the music seems out of heaven. So often these writings of yours inspire us to tears. We thank God so much for these glimpses of heaven. Though we believe in it wholly, you do bring it so near, with things we didn’t know before. What a comfort to those who have lost children, for ALL children are with Him! Millions and millions!

    I’ve just now opened my computer for the first time since Saturday and read this. Much Love, Aunt Lil

  6. Karen Tillman Says:

    I am so glad to see that you are up and about and posting once again. It makes my heart sing!!! I know it has been a long journey to get to this point, and I am so very glad for you. I really enjoyed the sound of the choir and thought your dedication was a spendid idea.
    Love always
    Karen Tillman

  7. Carrie Thompson Says:

    Hi Katy,
    Thank you for the lovely music! I listen to this music multiple times a day. It’s truly beautiful! :-)


  8. Julie Says:

    I’ve been singing this song all week! It gives me the chills when I see the video. Can you imagine how it would have been to be there and hear it live! How much more magnificent and thrilling it will be in heaven - it won’t even compare. Thank you Katy, for sharing and helping us to “hear” the heavenly music along with you.