Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Nephew

Yes, my youngest nephew finally made his entrance into the world.  He was born early yesterday morning, September 6, at 1:39am.  He weighed 10lbs, 6oz and was 22 and 1/4" long!  Fortunately, there were no complications with the birth except that it took a long time before Jennifer went into "active labor".  His name is Joel Samuel Campbell.  Joel means, "Jehovah is the LORD."  Samuel means, "The LORD hears."  Joel's older siblings visited their baby brother for the first time last night.  I have yet to see Joel in person, but from looking at the pictures, he appears to be a healthy, handsome baby boy that definitely has masculine features.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Exciting Days!

It has been a busy, but lovely week!  Thus, why my blog design is still a work-in-progress.  I hope to really fix it up after this weekend when I'm sure I'll have pictures to add.  In the meantime, I've enjoyed having my Aunt Judy here for a week-long visit and I'm joyfully anticipating the birth of my second nephew.  I imagine that Jennifer will give birth sometime in the next few days.  I'll be sure to keep you posted...