Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Medical Update: Prayer Request

I spent forty minutes tonight catching up on emails! It's been such a busy week that I've only turned my computer on a few times since last Saturday. Having Helen here has been a real treat for our family. While I've been healthy enough to visit with Helen, I do have one new medical issue this week that has been troublesome.

Since Sunday, I've been having pain in my lower esophagus all of the way up to my throat. My throat has also been tight (closed up) enough that I've developed a dry, "hacky" cough and I have trouble getting a full and sustained breath. The pain is similar to indigestion but the irritation is from deeper within.

I've taken extra potassium several times this week and that helped relieve the symptoms for awhile but not completely. It almost feels like the pain is coming from my lungs, but I'm not totally sure. Fortunately, I have a pulmonology appointment scheduled for September eighth.

At first, I thought I had bad allergies, because it felt like I was "wheezing" (similar to asthma). Today, I started thinking that perhaps I'm developing an ulcer from the liquid Prednisolone. That particular drug was never intended to be used on a consistent, long-term basis like I'm doing. Thus, I've decided to alternate the days I use liquid Prednisolone and Prednisone pills in hopes of relieving the burning and tightening throat and chest pain. Please pray that either this recent health issue goes away soon or I will find out what is causing it before something more serious occurs. Thank you!