Friday, April 4, 2008

My Bookshelf

I've added a new widget (computer term) on the right side of my website, under About Kathryn's Keepsakes that says My Bookshelf. I thought it would be neat to list what I'm currently reading. One of the other things that my grandparents passed down to their grandchildren, besides the love of music, is a desire to read. I can look in our Library room and on my bookshelves here in my office and point to the books my grandparents either bought me or books I purchased with money they gave me. Last week, I came across a large print version of Anne of Green Gables they bought me when I was seven-years-old.

Now that their grandchildren are getting older with varied interests, my grandparents give Barnes and Noble gift certificates to us for Christmas. I remember one year, I got seven books with the gift certificate, because I shopped at the B&N bargain table. I was ecstatic! So, really the inspiration for My Bookshelf comes from my grandparents.

One of the books I'm currently reading is titled Heaven by Randy Alcorn. This book has been on my "books to read" list for quite awhile and different people keep telling me to read it. Now, that I'm done with school, I can finally devote some time to what I want to read, so Alcorn's book is one I recently checked out of the library. I found it to be Biblically based and accurate to what I know about Heaven. Below is the synopsis from Publishers Weekly:

"According to Alcorn the subject of heaven rates as one of the least accurately discussed subjects in the whole of Christendom. Even seminarians fail to give appropriate time and attention to heaven as described throughout the Bible because other themes take pre-eminence both chronologically and preferentially. Alcorn is likewise astounded that the majority of Christians who do take time to consider heaven often possess faulty, nonbiblical assumptions, one of the most common being the misconception of heaven as a place of unending church services. The author, who is also the founder of the nonprofit organization Eternal Perspective Ministries (EPM), has spent years studying what the Bible says about heaven, and in this compelling and comprehensive resource, he offers every conceivable question about heaven, or the "New Earth," as a Christian believer's ultimate destination. Alcorn answers the expected queries on heavenly life as well as quirkier ones: will Christians drink coffee in heaven? Will there be homeownership[?] Will our pets be in heaven? Evangelical scholars and laypersons alike will appreciate Alcorn's expansive—though perhaps long-winded—musings on this neglected subject, a real boon in a time when many people are eager to understand what happens after death."