Wednesday, January 30, 2008

"Window into Wednesday"

It has not been a good day health-wise. I think another bacterial infection is attacking me. I have an appointment with my PCP at 8:30am tomorrow for lab work. Infections are common when the immune system is suppressed, while taking Methotrexate. My body is doing so much better physically with the Methotrexate that, while I do not prefer set-backs, I am willing to put up with them.

In other news, I emailed the senior thesis' bibliography to my instructor this afternoon. That was a source of encouragement to me, as I had a personal goal to complete that this week. The Lord is working through my weaknesses and thus, I am able to accomplish my college assignments, despite the daily health challenges. I broke up the senior thesis' assignments into "bite size" pieces, so I wouldn't be overwhelmed with the amount of work required to finish by April 11.


  1. YAY! That is so exciting! I was so glad to hear about your Law Library visit the other day -- I'm sure that was a great deal of fun :) who knew school could be so exciting?! I will be praying over your infection... hopefully, it will be a minor speedbump! Love, Aleah

  2. Kathryn, its eve of Thursday here and I'm watching the blogs to see how your Dr.'s visit turned out. It's 10 pm plus for you and I hope you're tucked in bed in that darling little room sound asleep. Today I had lunch with two of my former Bible Study moms, who regard me as a second mother. When we sat down at K's Teriyaki Grill, I said to the waitress, "The bill comes to me." And the girls said, "Yes, this is our millionaire mother". When I was in the ICU after I ran over myself with our van, they got into the ICU to see me by insisting I was their mother! I vaguely through the haze remembered their being there. They said that when they asked how I was doing, the nurses said "She's giving us orders!" And I was! with a tube down my throat on a respirator, not able to make a sound, but I knew that bubbly liquid stuff was piling up in my trachea, - danger of serious aspiration and pneumonia - and I started wiggling my hands frantically in their restraints, and finally made signs like I was writing. So they got me a paper and pen - I couldn't even open my eyes! But I managed to write so they could decipher it "Suction!" They said "We just did, the tube is clear". I wrote again. "I'll aspirate!" They insisted again that the tube was clear. Then I felt the stuff oozing right up toward my mouth, so I just waited and in a moment it appeared, frothing around the OUTSIDE of the tube. The male nurse that was there said a VERY naughty word, and then I went to sleep again! Afterwards when I was on a ward and the docs did rounds with the med students, the head doc told me that the injuries wouldn't kill me, but pneumonia from the aspirations would, if I didn't diligently blow on my puffer to keep the lungs well aereated! So I did the latter, (blew) and didn't the former (die!)
    I also wrote when they were discussing whether to remove the breathing machine. I wrote "Don't take out the respirator." They asked why and I said "I'm too tired to breathe." I really felt like I couldn't do it by myself. So they left it in overnight and it came out in the Am.

    Love you, brave soldieress!
    (I think I just invented a word.)

    Aunt Lil
