Thursday, February 15, 2007

Premeditated Love

Just a quick update tonight, because I’m already tired. I really wanted to do a Valentine’s Day post yesterday, but never got around to it.

After my conversation with the doctors on Monday, I was feeling rather discouraged when I woke up yesterday. I was weary and would have preferred to “hide” under the covers. Instead, I read Spurgeon’s Morning devotions…it was an exhortation to love and trust God. I did my morning prayers and a peace filled my bedroom. He felt so near. He was so near. About the time I decided to get out of bed, Mom came upstairs with breakfast in hand. As usual, it was delicious.

In the late afternoon, a church friend stopped by for a visit on her way home from work. I had not seen her for a long time. We shared tea, caught up, exchanged prayer requests and enjoyed being girls. Then, another friend stopped by just long enough to drop off some Valentine roses. The flowers are a cheerful yellow, peach and white with their sweet fragrances filling the entire downstairs. Then, to top off the Valentine blessings, Mom made me my favorite noodle salad for dinner and carrot cake for dessert!

I’m thankful that, when I’m weary and discouraged, I have to look no further than my Heavenly Father for refreshment. Ephesians 2:10 states, “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”. The Lord already knew of my weary soul and thus ordained friends and family to encourage me on Valentine’s Day. Makes me smile to think of that kind of love…premeditated love from the One who loves perfectly. With Christ Jesus as my guide, I look forward with joyful anticipation to the “good works” He has already ordained for me. Likewise, I’m grateful the Lord uses others, with their “good works,” to bless me. And “we love because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19).


  1. Heather Kirkwood Says:

    Hey Katy!
    I’m glad you’re up to posting, and I’m glad food appears to be on your mind - grin!

  2. Aunt Lil Says:

    Katy, I loved your “Premeditated Love”. God LOVES TO GIVE GOOD GIFTS TO HIS CHILDREN”! That’s somewhere in the O.T. and I think of it often. And when we love and are grateful in return, we know it gives Him joy. What a wonderful knowledge. May He give you a good night tonight, dear Katy, Aunt Lil

  3. Colin Says:

    Hi Katy,

    It’s nice to read your thoughts more regularly!

    I love your theme and title of this post. Isn’t it beautiful how God is so thoughtful? Even your HPS was premeditated before the foundations of the world as an instrument of glory and a means to make your soul deeper.

    In Genesis 15:13 God tells Abraham that these descendants He will give Abraham (through a son who didn’t exist yet) would be enslaved for 400 years. This great promise included great hardship! God was faithful to make sure everything happened exactly as it was supposed to to provide for His people. I hope you can take encouragement in that today. He never does anything in your life that doesn’t both bring Him glory and bless you in some way.

  4. Kathy Says:

    Hi Katy’ just happened upon your website and i am praying for you .I have a daughter with M.S. please pray for her!!!!! ‘’GOD STILL ANSWERS PRAYER. IN THE LORD'’