Friday, June 12, 2009

A Positive Update

Last Sunday when I was in bed sick, I thought to myself, "How am I going to work this week, let alone help Mom while Dad is away?" The answer was, "With God's help and in His strength, of course!" I shouldn't have even worried about the future for I had already seen the Lord work miraculously in this way many times before. Though, He did amaze me again by providing our family with a wonderful week.

Dad's business trip to Sweden went well; he called us everyday with encouraging updates. Back home, Mom kept the house and family running smoothly. Qavah got her transfusion, so she is feeling better. I was able to work everyday this week, plus attend an in-service training, help Mom around the home, and babysit Qavah as needed. Mom and I even accomplished some more much-needed spring cleaning.

Late tonight, we pick Dad up from the airport. So tomorrow, life will probably return to our "normal" routines. However, until then, I'm smiling from ear to ear as I recount the many blessings and answers to prayers that have occurred in the last seven days. Since my joy is over-flowing, I hope it's also encouraging and contagious!

"How great is Your goodness, which You have stored up for those who fear You, which You bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in You." Psalm 31:19