Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Did You Know?: Tuesday's Tip

Since I am very tired tonight, I don't feel much like writing. However, I'm *supposed* to blog each day. Soo...

Did you know that you can suck on a cut and then blow on it to ease the pain?

Yes, I know it sounds disgusting, but it's true. Dad taught me this last night when I kept complaining about a cut on my thumb. He said, "Just stick your thumb in your mouth for a minute and then blow on the cut to dry your saliva." I didn't want to try it at first, but then I decided to see if it worked since I had just washed my hands. He was right. The stinging pain of the cut lessened considerably.

Now, this tip is not something I really suggest doing often, because (1) it's just plain gross and (2) it's not healthy to stick fingers in one's mouth. However, if there is no other way to ease the pain of a cut, then you could try this tip. Apparently the saliva puts a "protective coating" that solidifies once dried (hence the blowing on the cut).

My first thought when Dad shared the tip was:

This sounds like a "worst case scenario" suggestion from a boy scout's handbook.

My second thought was:

I wonder if McGiver tried this!