Monday, July 23, 2007

For a Friend

I normally don’t do these, but I have a blog friend (and member of our church) who “tagged” me, so I thought I’d do it for her. I like her questions, anyway.

1). What is your favored worship song/hymn?

That is a hard question!

Hymns: Trust and Obey, Great is Thy Faithfulness, Jesus I am Resting Resting, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, Blessed Assurance, Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us, and My Faith Has Found a Resting Place.

Worship Songs: Before The Throne of God Above, In Christ Alone, Grace and Peace, any many others that seem to change depending on my mood.

2). Favorite verse, and/or chapter in the Bible?

My Life Verse is Psalm 119:105. However, I also love the Books Isaiah, Psalms, Daniel, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Hebrews.
3). What lead you to God? Let us hear your testimony!

When I was eight years old, the Lord revealed to me my need of Him. I remember particularly that the frequent missionaries who spoke at the church amazed me with their zeal for the Lord- even at that young of an age. I wanted to be like them and I remember thinking, “If they are giving up everything for the Lord, than I must really need Him, too.” I then recommitted my life to God at age 12 after a hard and rebellious period in my life. I do believe, though, that I have grown closer with the Lord the most during this past year (since I first became sick in July 2006).

4). How do you live day by day with the Lord?

Well, some days are not as “successful” as others, of course! However, I find that if I have a guideline, I stay more focused. I subscribed to Turning Point’s (Dr. David Jeremiah) Daily Devotional. I also read Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening Devotions. Currently, I’m doing the Beth Moore study of Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy.

5). Living Bible? NIV? KJV? The Message? Which is your favorite and why?

Growing up, I used the NASV. Most of the verses I’ve memorized are in KJV, though. Currently, I’m using the NIV version and that is my favorite. Some day, I would like to buy a parallel translation Bible, but I can’t ever find one in large enough print for me.

  1. Amanda Says:

    Hey Katy!
    I found out about you through my mom a while back and I have been keeping up with you through your web site since then. I admire you for doing the Daniel study right now. It’s not an easy one! Well, I just wanted to say hello. God bless you today!