Good news! I was able to get my Remicade appointment rescheduled for tomorrow at 2pm instead of Wednesday. We are babysitting Annelise and Nehemiah tomorrow night, so I have something to look forward to also. Tonight, I watched Up with Qavah and it was a lot of fun. Now, it's time to sleep! Mom is feeling a little better today, as well. Thank you for your prayers.
"You are my witnesses,” declares the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe me and understand that I am He. Before me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me. I, I am the LORD, and besides me there is no savior." -Isaiah 43:10-11
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Welcome To A New Week!
Health Check: I don't feel very good tonight. For most of the weekend, I've had trouble with pain, digestion, and other Crohn's symptoms. About a month ago, I rescheduled my treatment to November 25, because of a meeting at work and thinking that Mom would be in Ohio. However, it's now apparent that Mom is home and the sooner I can have a Remicade infusion the better. The good news is that I can still be "up and around." I do plan to call the Infusion Center first thing tomorrow morning to see if I can reschedule my appointment for sometime on Monday or Tuesday.
Other News: I received a joyous surprise early last week. On Tuesday night, I received the much anticipated book Going Rogue by Sarah Palin. The day it arrived in the mail, I had received a coupon from Barnes and Noble via email. So, on that same Tuesday morning as Mom drove me to work, I excitedly told her, "I have a coupon that's good for 40% off the Sarah Palin book, so maybe we can go shopping after work." Later that evening just before dinner, Dad picked up the mail and the book was on top of the stack. Mom and Dad had pre-ordered it from Amazon at a better price than if I had used my B&N coupon! All week, I've read a bit here and there as time allowed. The text is small, so I'm only on chapter 9, but it's definitely a wonderful read. I especially appreciate how Sarah Palin describes her faith and Conservative, family values. And on that note, I'm going to curl up beneath my warm covers and read until my eyelids grow heavy....
Other News: I received a joyous surprise early last week. On Tuesday night, I received the much anticipated book Going Rogue by Sarah Palin. The day it arrived in the mail, I had received a coupon from Barnes and Noble via email. So, on that same Tuesday morning as Mom drove me to work, I excitedly told her, "I have a coupon that's good for 40% off the Sarah Palin book, so maybe we can go shopping after work." Later that evening just before dinner, Dad picked up the mail and the book was on top of the stack. Mom and Dad had pre-ordered it from Amazon at a better price than if I had used my B&N coupon! All week, I've read a bit here and there as time allowed. The text is small, so I'm only on chapter 9, but it's definitely a wonderful read. I especially appreciate how Sarah Palin describes her faith and Conservative, family values. And on that note, I'm going to curl up beneath my warm covers and read until my eyelids grow heavy....
Monday, November 16, 2009
Recap Of Life
I know I have not updated in quite awhile. Truthfully, I haven't felt like writing online. Sometimes I think of a topic but for one reason or another I don't form my thoughts into a blog post. I love writing but my favorite method is by using the "old fashioned" pen and paper. I write best that way.
Generally speaking, my days have been busy with work, family, medical issues, babysitting, company, and remodeling projects. I stopped taking an antibiotic for a sinus infection after ten days of starting it. Since that time, I've continued using the Nettie Bottle and a humidifier. Sometimes all of the remedies help while other days I just live with it like any other person who has allergies. Next Wednesday, I'll have my Remicade infusion. This time, I'm already starting to notice that I need it.
In between all of the daily activities, I'm still piecing together my U.S.A. scrapbook. I have several states that need postcards and/or photographs. However, I think I've completed a little more than half of the fifty states. Although I've kept with the same color scheme throughout the entire scrapbook, I've tried to add personal and unique touches to each state. Thus, planning and decorating the individual pages has never become monotonous.
In regards to harp, I've stopped taking lessons, but I still enjoy playing on my own and attending various concerts. I know that I'll never be a true musician. So while I wish I had talent in that area, I'm content on not pressuring myself to achieve what is impossible on this side of Heaven.
Well, it is time to turn the computer off for the evening. I'll leave you with a Bible verse that I've been recently pondering in new ways:
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34
Generally speaking, my days have been busy with work, family, medical issues, babysitting, company, and remodeling projects. I stopped taking an antibiotic for a sinus infection after ten days of starting it. Since that time, I've continued using the Nettie Bottle and a humidifier. Sometimes all of the remedies help while other days I just live with it like any other person who has allergies. Next Wednesday, I'll have my Remicade infusion. This time, I'm already starting to notice that I need it.
In between all of the daily activities, I'm still piecing together my U.S.A. scrapbook. I have several states that need postcards and/or photographs. However, I think I've completed a little more than half of the fifty states. Although I've kept with the same color scheme throughout the entire scrapbook, I've tried to add personal and unique touches to each state. Thus, planning and decorating the individual pages has never become monotonous.
In regards to harp, I've stopped taking lessons, but I still enjoy playing on my own and attending various concerts. I know that I'll never be a true musician. So while I wish I had talent in that area, I'm content on not pressuring myself to achieve what is impossible on this side of Heaven.
Well, it is time to turn the computer off for the evening. I'll leave you with a Bible verse that I've been recently pondering in new ways:
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34
Monday, October 26, 2009
God's Creation As Seen From the Blue Ridge Parkway
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Numbering Our Days
Like Mom said, our family has been busy with house projects and babysitting little ones. I've enjoyed the action-packed days so much! The cobwebs of my mind are dusted out with each closet we clean and organize. Last week, I sorted through my Summer and Fall clothes. Mom did the same with Qavah's and together we have a big garbage bag full of clothes to drop off at Goodwill. Tonight, we went through our old VHS tapes and condensed our collection into a simple pile that would fit onto one small shelf of a rolling television cart. I did had fun remembering my childhood as I looked through the tapes. I ended up keeping the VHS of Lawrence Welk shows in hopes that Qavah would enjoy the singing and fancy dresses as much as I did at her age.
Last night, I had an allergic reaction to some food I ate for dinner and thus took some Benadryl. I think the drug was still in my system this morning, because I was rather groggy and achy when I woke up. My body had "run out of steam," so I stayed home from church. Instead, I listened to a few hymns on my mp3 player and then fell back into a deep, healing sleep until the rest of my family returned home. I felt better as the day unfolded. And except for some minor pain, my body is remarkably healthy tonight for being the night before Remicade Day. The Lord is gracious in providing me with so many bonus days that are filled with "holy moments."
Lord, may those who are reading this blog have a week filled with seven bonus days and many holy moments. We recommit our days to Your sovereignty. Thank you for ordaining our lives within Your perfect will. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Last night, I had an allergic reaction to some food I ate for dinner and thus took some Benadryl. I think the drug was still in my system this morning, because I was rather groggy and achy when I woke up. My body had "run out of steam," so I stayed home from church. Instead, I listened to a few hymns on my mp3 player and then fell back into a deep, healing sleep until the rest of my family returned home. I felt better as the day unfolded. And except for some minor pain, my body is remarkably healthy tonight for being the night before Remicade Day. The Lord is gracious in providing me with so many bonus days that are filled with "holy moments."
Lord, may those who are reading this blog have a week filled with seven bonus days and many holy moments. We recommit our days to Your sovereignty. Thank you for ordaining our lives within Your perfect will. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
A Change (Health Update)
It's amazing what a difference a day makes! Last night when I went to bed, I knew I needed to return to work but I was unsure if my body was ready for the responsibilities that would greet me. However, I woke up this morning feeling a lot better! The Lord gave me "unusual" strength to make it through the day with enough energy and very little pain.
Yesterday I called my PCP to explain that, even though the back of my head was more "firm," I was not feeling better through my forehead or behind my eyes. The doctor returned my call, stating that I probably had a sinus infection. He recommended using a saline nasal spray like 'Lil Noses instead of antibiotics. However, "Dr. Mom" had the idea to try a Neti bottle (similar to a Neti Pot). Sure enough, I was able to get a lot out of my nasal passages; it worked much better than any nasal spray I had tried before. So, if you have the "sniffles," a dry nose, or allergies, I recommend using a Neti Pot or Neti Bottle.
Despite the increased discomfort over the last few days, I continued to sense the presence of the Lord in our home. Neither Mom nor I felt panicked the night we lost sleep due to electrolyte issues. We knew God would direct our paths and reveal the health mysteries in His timing.
Think back to homes you visited where you stepped inside and felt welcomed. Maybe the air smelled clean and refreshing. Maybe there was a favorite meal being cooked in the kitchen. All you could do is step inside and say, "Aaah," with a deamenor of satisfaction and gratefulness. That is how I felt several times over the last few days as our family sought God for answers and relief. Despite the wars that raged in my physical body, my soul could rest.
Yesterday I called my PCP to explain that, even though the back of my head was more "firm," I was not feeling better through my forehead or behind my eyes. The doctor returned my call, stating that I probably had a sinus infection. He recommended using a saline nasal spray like 'Lil Noses instead of antibiotics. However, "Dr. Mom" had the idea to try a Neti bottle (similar to a Neti Pot). Sure enough, I was able to get a lot out of my nasal passages; it worked much better than any nasal spray I had tried before. So, if you have the "sniffles," a dry nose, or allergies, I recommend using a Neti Pot or Neti Bottle.
Despite the increased discomfort over the last few days, I continued to sense the presence of the Lord in our home. Neither Mom nor I felt panicked the night we lost sleep due to electrolyte issues. We knew God would direct our paths and reveal the health mysteries in His timing.
Think back to homes you visited where you stepped inside and felt welcomed. Maybe the air smelled clean and refreshing. Maybe there was a favorite meal being cooked in the kitchen. All you could do is step inside and say, "Aaah," with a deamenor of satisfaction and gratefulness. That is how I felt several times over the last few days as our family sought God for answers and relief. Despite the wars that raged in my physical body, my soul could rest.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Never To Young To Begin Learning
I took these pictures while Qavah, Annelise, and Nehemiah were sharpening their computer skills. While they are learning how to use modern technology, I am most blessed by knowing that these children are beginning to hide God's Word in their hearts at such a young age. All three of them enjoy Christian music and hearing Bible stories. Annelise can already recite small passages from the Bible and Qavah has acknowledged her need for a Savior. It's a serious, but joyful responsibility to teach the next generation about loving the Lord with all of their, "heart, soul, strength, and mind." (Matthew 22:37)
"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." -Proverbs 22:6
Thursday, September 24, 2009
A Good Week
Even though the season is now officially Fall, it doesn't feel like it today. The temperatures are in the upper eighties with plenty of sunshine and clear skies. I don't mind this weather one bit. Winter may be "just around the corner," but I'm already planning a trip to Florida when the weather turns cold and snowy here.
I am doing well health wise. Most of my mouth sores have healed. In addition to keeping my mouth extra clean, I've also been eating one spoonful of yogurt a day. I do have a doctor's appointment on Monday for labs. The hematologist wants to check my liver levels to see if they're in the "normal" range.
I am doing well health wise. Most of my mouth sores have healed. In addition to keeping my mouth extra clean, I've also been eating one spoonful of yogurt a day. I do have a doctor's appointment on Monday for labs. The hematologist wants to check my liver levels to see if they're in the "normal" range.
Tuesday night after dinner, we visited with Coin, Jennifer, and the children. Actually, it was Jennifer's birthday so we celebrated by bringing pumpkin pudding cake and presents to their home. Below are a few candid pictures.
Happy Birthday, Jennifer:
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Praying Like A Child
The last two evenings, I've babysat Qavah for a short time while Mom and Dad attended small group and Bible study. The days have been busy, so Qavah has been ready for sleep at an earlier hour. I've enjoyed the bedtime "routine," especially the part here we recount her day and pray together. If Qavah has any sense of doubt or worry about God (which I don't think does exist), I have not detected it when she prays. Qavah speaks to the Lord with such sincerity and trust that I end up leaving her room with a quieted, yet joyful spirit. Qavah may only be six years old, but she is teaching me about the Lord through her childlike faith.
"At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." (Matt. 18:1-6)
"At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." (Matt. 18:1-6)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Looking Up (Physically and Spiritually)
It has been a rough few days, but I'm praying and hoping that things continue to progress in a good direction. I still have some intense abdominal pain, but I do feel better then Friday when I went to the emergency room. Tonight, I did some more "investigating" via the internet. I visited several websites where people can write their experiences of different medical issues and remedies. Thrush is very common for those who use inhalers on a regular basis. I now remember my Aunt Judy mentioning this early last month when she visited our home, but unfortunately, her advice to rinse out my mouth after using an inhaler did not "stick". I also plan to cut back on my sugar intake. This is going to be a bit hard to do as I'm discovering how many things contain sugar. However, at least right now, the discomfort I've experienced over the weekend has been incentive enough to change my eating habits. Please pray that I'll continue to desire and find foods - especially snacks - that are better for my body.
Today, in the midst of my physical pain, I was strengthened spiritually (even though I wasn't able to attend church). I was also reminded of the importance of living my life in a way that would make others desire to seek and follow Christ. We had a visitor for lunch who used to work at the same company as Colin does, but is now in the process of returning to his home country of India. He is also a Christian and shared with our family his testimony. It was encouraging to hear of how he came to accept Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior; it brought tears to my eyes. I'm always in awe of the length God will go to draw someone to Himself.
This young man is thankful to be reunited with his earthly family, but even more eager to share the Gospel message with fellow Indians. It was a privilege to pray for this Brother in Christ before he left our home, but I was even more blessed when he prayed for our family. Isn't that the way God works? We are told to give and be servants to others, but are often more blessed and energized than the receiver. Lord, as this next week begins, may we "look up" to You in total reliance. Thank you for the promise that You can be our strength and song for the days to come. Amen.
Today, in the midst of my physical pain, I was strengthened spiritually (even though I wasn't able to attend church). I was also reminded of the importance of living my life in a way that would make others desire to seek and follow Christ. We had a visitor for lunch who used to work at the same company as Colin does, but is now in the process of returning to his home country of India. He is also a Christian and shared with our family his testimony. It was encouraging to hear of how he came to accept Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior; it brought tears to my eyes. I'm always in awe of the length God will go to draw someone to Himself.
This young man is thankful to be reunited with his earthly family, but even more eager to share the Gospel message with fellow Indians. It was a privilege to pray for this Brother in Christ before he left our home, but I was even more blessed when he prayed for our family. Isn't that the way God works? We are told to give and be servants to others, but are often more blessed and energized than the receiver. Lord, as this next week begins, may we "look up" to You in total reliance. Thank you for the promise that You can be our strength and song for the days to come. Amen.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The Most Unique Birthday Gift
Thank you for the Birthday cards, presents, and prayers. One thing about having a birthday near a holiday is that the celebration stretches out over several days. Since the postal service doesn't deliver mail on Labor Day, I sometimes receive cards a day or two after Monday's holiday. Almost always, Dad doesn't have to go "into work" at his job. This year, Paul Burton and I also had off.
I spent my Birthday at home with my family. That is one of my most favorite things in all of the world. When I was little, I would often ask if the activity (such as meal time) would be done "as a family." It was very important to me that every member of our family joined in, so it was only fitting that this year's birthday was spent "as a family". We worked and laughed together during the afternoon. Then the evening was spent celebrating at Dairy Queen and watching a movie from Netflix.
I'll also remember this September fourth because of the uniqueness of the day's activities. I don't imagine many people would consider pulling staples out of the plywood floor or putting away fine dinnerware as fun ways to celebrate someone's life. However, I had the best day doing just that! Back in early August, Mom and I dreamed of redecorating the dining room by repainting the walls, but we wanted to wait until the weather was cooler and less humid. So, after reading the weather forecast and looking at the family calendar late last week, we decided that this holiday weekend was the perfect time to turn our dreams into reality. What a birthday gift it turned out to be, too!
We changed the walls from a dark blue to a light green, replaced the lighting, installed new flooring that is healthier than carpet, and rearranged the furniture. By late Saturday afternoon, Mom and I were ready to return all of the dishes to their proper place. We finally finished all of our work just in time to have our family meal in that room. This entire weekend-long redecorating process created some interesting Birthday memories, but now I'm looking forward to entertaining guests in the "new" and very clean dining room. May all those who join us around the table sense the Lord's joy and peace. You are certainly welcome to visit!
Before (Thanksgiving 2006):

After (I'll get some better pictures soon):

I spent my Birthday at home with my family. That is one of my most favorite things in all of the world. When I was little, I would often ask if the activity (such as meal time) would be done "as a family." It was very important to me that every member of our family joined in, so it was only fitting that this year's birthday was spent "as a family". We worked and laughed together during the afternoon. Then the evening was spent celebrating at Dairy Queen and watching a movie from Netflix.
I'll also remember this September fourth because of the uniqueness of the day's activities. I don't imagine many people would consider pulling staples out of the plywood floor or putting away fine dinnerware as fun ways to celebrate someone's life. However, I had the best day doing just that! Back in early August, Mom and I dreamed of redecorating the dining room by repainting the walls, but we wanted to wait until the weather was cooler and less humid. So, after reading the weather forecast and looking at the family calendar late last week, we decided that this holiday weekend was the perfect time to turn our dreams into reality. What a birthday gift it turned out to be, too!
We changed the walls from a dark blue to a light green, replaced the lighting, installed new flooring that is healthier than carpet, and rearranged the furniture. By late Saturday afternoon, Mom and I were ready to return all of the dishes to their proper place. We finally finished all of our work just in time to have our family meal in that room. This entire weekend-long redecorating process created some interesting Birthday memories, but now I'm looking forward to entertaining guests in the "new" and very clean dining room. May all those who join us around the table sense the Lord's joy and peace. You are certainly welcome to visit!
Before (Thanksgiving 2006):

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Family Celebration
Last Sunday, we celebrated my upcoming birthday since Colin and Jennifer will be traveling on Friday. It was a beautiful, Sabbath day! We had a colorful salad with grilled chicken and potatoes. Yummy! My dessert was scrumptious, too. I ate blueberry cake with vanilla ice cream, blueberry syrup, and of course fresh blueberries! It was a perfect end-of-the-summer celebratory dessert. Below are a few pictures from the evening.
We lit this candle two more times after I made my wish so that Qavah and Annelise could have a turn blowing it out!
Since most of the adults and Qavah were drinking cups of coffee, Annelise wanted to have her own cup of coffee. So after getting "permission" from Annelise's mommy and daddy, some milk and a small amount of coffee was poured into a miniature teacup. The way Annelise stirred and drank out of her teacup, you wold have thought that she was an experienced, lifelong coffee drinker! It was so precious to watch her!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Hello, Weekend!
Wow, it really is Friday night! The work week has finished, the house has been straightened, and all of the doctor appointments are over. As I look back on the last five days, I see the Lord's hand in every area of my life. For the time being, God is giving me the ability to carry on each day free from the kind of dehibilittating pain that messes up my electrolytes or puts me in the hospital. I had that kind of pain every day during my first year of living with active HPS. So I know what life could be like and therefore I'm more grateful for the good moments I experience right now.
I took my Methotrexate by "oral injection" on Wednesday night and this morning. So far, I have not dealt with any adverse side effects. Several people have asked what oral injection means. Basically, the medicine is in liquid form contained inside a little glass bottle that I keep refridgerated. The appropriate dosage is drawn up into a syringe. Finally, the syringe is released into the mouth, a glass of drinkable liquid, or given as a shot. With my Methotrexate, Mom releases the syringe into a small glass of cola. I used a spoon to disolve the medicine and then I just drink the cola. For some reason, the directions on the bottle say to take the Methotrexate with either orange juice or cola. Since I'm allergic to oranges, I have to use soda, which is perfectly fine with me. The liquid Methotrexate is yellow just like the pills, but it doesn't have a distinctive, nasty taste.
Yesterday was Remicade Day. That went well, because I took a Benadryl that made me very sleepy and lessened the pain from the saline. Infact I got a two hour nap while the infusion was taking place. Meanwhile, Mom and Qavah shopped nearby and then joined me near the end of my treatment. Now, unless something bad happens, I don't have another medical appointment until September eleventh.
I took my Methotrexate by "oral injection" on Wednesday night and this morning. So far, I have not dealt with any adverse side effects. Several people have asked what oral injection means. Basically, the medicine is in liquid form contained inside a little glass bottle that I keep refridgerated. The appropriate dosage is drawn up into a syringe. Finally, the syringe is released into the mouth, a glass of drinkable liquid, or given as a shot. With my Methotrexate, Mom releases the syringe into a small glass of cola. I used a spoon to disolve the medicine and then I just drink the cola. For some reason, the directions on the bottle say to take the Methotrexate with either orange juice or cola. Since I'm allergic to oranges, I have to use soda, which is perfectly fine with me. The liquid Methotrexate is yellow just like the pills, but it doesn't have a distinctive, nasty taste.
Yesterday was Remicade Day. That went well, because I took a Benadryl that made me very sleepy and lessened the pain from the saline. Infact I got a two hour nap while the infusion was taking place. Meanwhile, Mom and Qavah shopped nearby and then joined me near the end of my treatment. Now, unless something bad happens, I don't have another medical appointment until September eleventh.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Recap Of Doctor's Appointment
Thank you for the prayers and emails regarding my GI appointment. Prayers were answered in a way that amazed and blessed me. Mom joined me in case I had electrolyte issues, but thankfully, nothing eventful happened. On the way home, we were thanking the Lord for His faithfulness in honoring and answering our prayers.
While Mom and Qavah waited patiently for over an hour, I had my exam in a "procedure" room at he doctor's office. The two nurses that helped me were kind, calm, and thoroughly explained the procedures beforehand. The lower GI scope went better than expected and was productive. My GI doctor was able to detect what had been the source of the bowel bleeding and has given me directions of what to do over the next ten days to (hopefully) remedy the problems.
In addition to the actual exam, I also received results from last week's blood labs. My liver enzymes are elevated. My GI doctor wants to monitor levels by taking more blood work in a couple of weeks. Mom and I have a hunch that the liver enzymes may be elevated because I am not absorbing my Methotrexate which assists in keeping inflammation to a minimum. Inflammation may be blocking the bile duct which would be one reason my test results were high.
After consulting with my hematologist and working with a very understanding pharmacist, I'm going to try taking my Methotrexate in liquid form instead of swallowing pills. The labs I'll have in two weeks should also show if I'm absorbing the Methotrexate (and my other medications). For someone like me with absorption issues, liquid drugs are better than hard tablets. I take my first liquid dose of Methotrexate tomorrow evening when I return home from work.
While Mom and Qavah waited patiently for over an hour, I had my exam in a "procedure" room at he doctor's office. The two nurses that helped me were kind, calm, and thoroughly explained the procedures beforehand. The lower GI scope went better than expected and was productive. My GI doctor was able to detect what had been the source of the bowel bleeding and has given me directions of what to do over the next ten days to (hopefully) remedy the problems.
In addition to the actual exam, I also received results from last week's blood labs. My liver enzymes are elevated. My GI doctor wants to monitor levels by taking more blood work in a couple of weeks. Mom and I have a hunch that the liver enzymes may be elevated because I am not absorbing my Methotrexate which assists in keeping inflammation to a minimum. Inflammation may be blocking the bile duct which would be one reason my test results were high.
After consulting with my hematologist and working with a very understanding pharmacist, I'm going to try taking my Methotrexate in liquid form instead of swallowing pills. The labs I'll have in two weeks should also show if I'm absorbing the Methotrexate (and my other medications). For someone like me with absorption issues, liquid drugs are better than hard tablets. I take my first liquid dose of Methotrexate tomorrow evening when I return home from work.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
True Religion
It is now the close of another Sabbath; today has been joyful, calm, and restful. I was blessed by the service at church - I love it whenever I can worship and learn about the Lord with other Christians who seek to follow Him in spirit and truth. Our family lunch was delicious (as always) and left me feeling satisfied for much of the day. I read and slept during the afternoon. Tonight was spent writing emails, talking to friends, and tidying up my bedroom. I'm now about to tune my harp before resting once again on my comfy, soft, green apple-colored sheets. The week ahead looks busy with work and three important doctor appointments (GI scope on Tuesday, Remicade on Thursday, and dentist on Friday). But for this present moment, I am very content.
Below is a prayer from The Valley of Vision titled True Religion that I read this afternoon. I was surprised at how appropriate the words were for the beginning of another week. I hope this prayer not only blesses you, but becomes yours' as well.
Lord God Almighty,
I ask not to be enrolled amongst the earthly great and rich,
but to be numbered with the spiritually blessed.
Make it my present, supreme, persevering concern
to obtain those blessings which are
spiritual in their nature,
eternal in their continuance,
satisfying in their possession.
Preserve me from a false estimate of the whole
or a part of my character;
May I pay regard to
my principles as well as my conduct,
my motives as well as my actions.
Help me
never to mistake the excitement of my passions
for the renewing of the Holy Spirit,
never to judge my religion by occasional
impressions and impulses, but by my
constant and prevailing disposition.
May my heart be right with thee,
and my life as becometh the gospel.
May I maintain a supreme regard to another
and better world,
and feel and confess myself a stranger
and a pilgrim here.
Afford me all the direction, defence, support,
and consolation my journey hence requires,
and grant me a mind stayed upon thee.
Give me large abundance of the supply of
the Spirit of Jesus,
that I may be prepared for every duty,
love thee in all my mercies,
submit to thee in every trial,
trust thee when walking in darkness,
have peace in thee amidst life’s changes.
Lord, I believe, help thou my unbelief
and uncertainties.
Below is a prayer from The Valley of Vision titled True Religion that I read this afternoon. I was surprised at how appropriate the words were for the beginning of another week. I hope this prayer not only blesses you, but becomes yours' as well.
Lord God Almighty,
I ask not to be enrolled amongst the earthly great and rich,
but to be numbered with the spiritually blessed.
Make it my present, supreme, persevering concern
to obtain those blessings which are
spiritual in their nature,
eternal in their continuance,
satisfying in their possession.
Preserve me from a false estimate of the whole
or a part of my character;
May I pay regard to
my principles as well as my conduct,
my motives as well as my actions.
Help me
never to mistake the excitement of my passions
for the renewing of the Holy Spirit,
never to judge my religion by occasional
impressions and impulses, but by my
constant and prevailing disposition.
May my heart be right with thee,
and my life as becometh the gospel.
May I maintain a supreme regard to another
and better world,
and feel and confess myself a stranger
and a pilgrim here.
Afford me all the direction, defence, support,
and consolation my journey hence requires,
and grant me a mind stayed upon thee.
Give me large abundance of the supply of
the Spirit of Jesus,
that I may be prepared for every duty,
love thee in all my mercies,
submit to thee in every trial,
trust thee when walking in darkness,
have peace in thee amidst life’s changes.
Lord, I believe, help thou my unbelief
and uncertainties.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Peace Despite Health Woes
Yesterday, I visited my GI doctor, because I've been experiencing intense pain, bloating, and intermittent bowel bleeding for the past four weeks. The end result of yesterday's visit is that I have yet another appointment scheduled for next Tuesday where my GI doctor will inspect my small intestine. If he doesn't find anything abnormal, then we'll wait until after my Remicade treatment to do further diagnostic testing or a colon cleanse. The hope is that the Remicade will correct everything that has gone awry. *sigh*
In addition to the recent doctor appointments, I've been fighting a mild sickness since Saturday. It's not exactly a cold or a flu, but a lighter combination of both. Fortunately, I've been able to work each day this week. That is cause for great praise to our Heavenly Father! As my Aunt Lil so appropriately exclaimed in a recent email to me, " It's wonderful that you have been able to do [so] well this Summer, with its ups and downs, but have also been able to keep working. That would have seemed totally impossible last Summer." She is exactly right! Looking back, I was not able to work, let alone imagine doing so while fighting a normal virus. Instead, I was getting over a fractured rib.
Over the last three years, I've seen how quickly circumstances can turn from good to bad to worse. However, I've also learned - more importantly- how readily available the Lord's strength is when I rely on Him. God daily lavishes His grace and mercy upon me in many ways! One example is the peace I have within my soul admist the recent health battles I'm faced. I know the calmness I'm experiencing comes only from my Heavenly Father. It's only Him that is keeping me from going insane with "what iffs" and "how tos".
"If God be our God, He will give us peace in trouble. When there is a storm without, He will make peace within. The world can create trouble in peace, but only God can create peace in trouble." -Thomas Watson
In addition to the recent doctor appointments, I've been fighting a mild sickness since Saturday. It's not exactly a cold or a flu, but a lighter combination of both. Fortunately, I've been able to work each day this week. That is cause for great praise to our Heavenly Father! As my Aunt Lil so appropriately exclaimed in a recent email to me, " It's wonderful that you have been able to do [so] well this Summer, with its ups and downs, but have also been able to keep working. That would have seemed totally impossible last Summer." She is exactly right! Looking back, I was not able to work, let alone imagine doing so while fighting a normal virus. Instead, I was getting over a fractured rib.
Over the last three years, I've seen how quickly circumstances can turn from good to bad to worse. However, I've also learned - more importantly- how readily available the Lord's strength is when I rely on Him. God daily lavishes His grace and mercy upon me in many ways! One example is the peace I have within my soul admist the recent health battles I'm faced. I know the calmness I'm experiencing comes only from my Heavenly Father. It's only Him that is keeping me from going insane with "what iffs" and "how tos".
"If God be our God, He will give us peace in trouble. When there is a storm without, He will make peace within. The world can create trouble in peace, but only God can create peace in trouble." -Thomas Watson
Friday, August 7, 2009
Health Update
It's been awhile since I've done a health update, so now is a good time. Over all, I am doing really well. This has been the "quietest" summer health wise since I was diagnosed with HPS three years ago. I have had small issues, but nothing that has kept me from work, enjoying company, and family festivties.
In the last two weeks, I have experienced on and off bowel bleeding. My GI doctor is aware of the issue, but for now, it's not serious enough to schedule a colonoscopy. When I visited my Hematologist this week for a routine visit, he said, "Well we know by now how HPS works. We could do all sorts of tests, but they probably would come out as being normal. Unless it gets worse, just keep living and don't worry about it. You can always call me if it gets to be serious, but I think you are okay right now." The only change in my medications is that my hematologist wants me to increase my Methotrexate to fourteen pills instead of twelve, resulting in a weekly dose of 40mg.
My summer respite from doctors has ended. The hematologist was seen on Thursday. Next Wednesday (August 12), I'm visiting a doctor to see about having some spots taken off my face. They aren't cancerous or anything like that, but they do get sore sometimes. My PCP made the referral after checking it out at my last appointment with him. On August 27, I have another Remicade treatment. A day later, I visit the "dentist" for a tooth cleaning and exam. Two weeks later, on September 11, I visit the Pulmonologist for my annual PFTs and routine exam. I also need to schedule an appointment with the opthamologist. At first they wanted to schedule my pulmonogy appointments for September 4th, but I told them I didn't want to do that on my Birthday. Fortunately the receoptionist understood. *grin*
In the last two weeks, I have experienced on and off bowel bleeding. My GI doctor is aware of the issue, but for now, it's not serious enough to schedule a colonoscopy. When I visited my Hematologist this week for a routine visit, he said, "Well we know by now how HPS works. We could do all sorts of tests, but they probably would come out as being normal. Unless it gets worse, just keep living and don't worry about it. You can always call me if it gets to be serious, but I think you are okay right now." The only change in my medications is that my hematologist wants me to increase my Methotrexate to fourteen pills instead of twelve, resulting in a weekly dose of 40mg.
My summer respite from doctors has ended. The hematologist was seen on Thursday. Next Wednesday (August 12), I'm visiting a doctor to see about having some spots taken off my face. They aren't cancerous or anything like that, but they do get sore sometimes. My PCP made the referral after checking it out at my last appointment with him. On August 27, I have another Remicade treatment. A day later, I visit the "dentist" for a tooth cleaning and exam. Two weeks later, on September 11, I visit the Pulmonologist for my annual PFTs and routine exam. I also need to schedule an appointment with the opthamologist. At first they wanted to schedule my pulmonogy appointments for September 4th, but I told them I didn't want to do that on my Birthday. Fortunately the receoptionist understood. *grin*
Monday, August 3, 2009
Happy Birthday!
Since Aunt Julie willingly drives me to appointments (when I can't find a ride) and will not accept any gasoline money, I decided to dedicate this post in honor of her Birthday, which is today. Aunt Julie has a quiet spirit, but she manages to light up the room with her presence. Aunt Julie has a heart of mercy that bestows compassion at just the right moment.
Aunt Julie, Uncle Dan, and their family used to live in Ohio when I was young. So, I have many fond memories of spending a week at their home. Aunt Julie always made me feel welcome. Once they moved to Virginia, I was able to enjoy Aunt Julie even more. In the past few years especially, Aunt Julie has been a valuable source of comfort and helpfulness. She has been a "bed buddy" when I've been very sick and my family needed a break.
One of my favorite things about Aunt Julie is her gentle, but steady faith in the Lord. Recently, she has begun mentoring other ladies. They are blessed to have her for a teacher. The name Julie means "Youthful". That describes my Aunt Julie perfectly!
Aunt Julie with her family:
Aunt Julie loves children and it shows. Qavah and Aunt Julie exchanging giggles - pure delight!
Aunt Julie's favorite verse is Isaiah 40:31, "Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Happy Birthday!

Aunt Julie, Uncle Dan, and their family used to live in Ohio when I was young. So, I have many fond memories of spending a week at their home. Aunt Julie always made me feel welcome. Once they moved to Virginia, I was able to enjoy Aunt Julie even more. In the past few years especially, Aunt Julie has been a valuable source of comfort and helpfulness. She has been a "bed buddy" when I've been very sick and my family needed a break.
One of my favorite things about Aunt Julie is her gentle, but steady faith in the Lord. Recently, she has begun mentoring other ladies. They are blessed to have her for a teacher. The name Julie means "Youthful". That describes my Aunt Julie perfectly!
Aunt Julie with her family:

Saturday, August 1, 2009
Celebrating Life
This week has been filled with joyous celebrations of lives the Lord created, beginning with Eva's birth last Sunday. Our family took care of Annelise and Nehemiah until Jennifer's parents arrived on Wednesday.
Welcome little Eva! It's hard to believe you are already 1 week old:
Welcome little Eva! It's hard to believe you are already 1 week old:
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
A Post... Finally!
Just a short post at that, though. It is late and I'm exhausted. I worked and then came home and cleaned. It's been a full day. Our next "batch" of company arrives tomorrow and that should be fun. So, I'll be tied up until Saturday afternoon.
I was very happy to have gotten a chance to straighten my room tonight. As I made my bed with clean sheets, I was smiling from ear to ear. I guess I was too proud of myself, though! I just finished putting on the top quilt, stood back, and then realized that I put the fitted sheet on completely inside out. Normally, my "Prednisone mannerisms" would want everything to be completely correct, but I'm (fortunately?) too tired to re-do the work. Besides, I'm about to get go to bed anyways. *grin*
Several of my friends have asked, so I will tell you. "Baby Eva" (as Annelise calls her) is adorable, as expected. Even though she weighed 9lbs. 7oz. at birth, she seems so petite to me. Yes, she does have darker skin and hair than the other children. There's only one picture of her and me together at present and it's not a very good photo, but I did post it below. It was taken on Sunday. I did get to hold her for a short while yesterday and that was such a treat. I love the softness and smell of newborn baby skin!
I was very happy to have gotten a chance to straighten my room tonight. As I made my bed with clean sheets, I was smiling from ear to ear. I guess I was too proud of myself, though! I just finished putting on the top quilt, stood back, and then realized that I put the fitted sheet on completely inside out. Normally, my "Prednisone mannerisms" would want everything to be completely correct, but I'm (fortunately?) too tired to re-do the work. Besides, I'm about to get go to bed anyways. *grin*
Several of my friends have asked, so I will tell you. "Baby Eva" (as Annelise calls her) is adorable, as expected. Even though she weighed 9lbs. 7oz. at birth, she seems so petite to me. Yes, she does have darker skin and hair than the other children. There's only one picture of her and me together at present and it's not a very good photo, but I did post it below. It was taken on Sunday. I did get to hold her for a short while yesterday and that was such a treat. I love the softness and smell of newborn baby skin!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Still Waiting...
The newest Campbell has not arrived yet. So, please continue to pray for a safe and quick delivery. It's amazing to think that in just four years (since Colin got married), our immediate family has doubled in size from five members to ten. The Lord's blessings are abundant!
In the meantime before the baby is born, we are getting home projects completed. Next week (Lord willing) we are going to have a mini-family reunion at our home with aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. And there's nothing like company to get things done around the house! We want our home to be pleasant, comfortable, and welcoming for our guests. It's also a satisfying feeling to stand back and see the finished product of our labor.
In the meantime before the baby is born, we are getting home projects completed. Next week (Lord willing) we are going to have a mini-family reunion at our home with aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. And there's nothing like company to get things done around the house! We want our home to be pleasant, comfortable, and welcoming for our guests. It's also a satisfying feeling to stand back and see the finished product of our labor.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Health-Free Days
I've been enjoying another stretch of good days. The health issues have been minimal and the joys abundant. Friday's Remicade treatment was the only health-related event in the past week that was very challenging. Since that time, I've been working to rid my body of the excess salt and I seem to be making progress.
Planning and hosting Qavah's Birthday celebration filled our home with excitement all during the week. Even the weather cooperated with the festivities! Incidently, I've taken advantage of the cooler temperatures by leaving my bedroom window open at night. During the day, Qavah and Annelise enjoyed frolicking and swinging outside. Of course, Qavah's actual Birthday party was so much fun!
Last week, Grandmom and I also had our harp lessons. While I don't always feel like I'm improving from one lesson to the next or practicing enough, I do enjoy my instrument alot. Sometimes I stare at the harp as I fall asleep, because it's a reminder of the strength, grace, and love God bestows upon my life.
Looking ahead, all of us are "on call" as Jennifer's due date approaches. She is due July twenty eighth, but really, she could go into labor anytime. Each time the phone rings, I wait with eager anticipation to see if it's "the call" from Colin and Jennifer. I know that when the baby is born, the timing will be perfect, because that moment has already been ordained by the Lord. Still though, I hope the baby is born soon!
Planning and hosting Qavah's Birthday celebration filled our home with excitement all during the week. Even the weather cooperated with the festivities! Incidently, I've taken advantage of the cooler temperatures by leaving my bedroom window open at night. During the day, Qavah and Annelise enjoyed frolicking and swinging outside. Of course, Qavah's actual Birthday party was so much fun!
Last week, Grandmom and I also had our harp lessons. While I don't always feel like I'm improving from one lesson to the next or practicing enough, I do enjoy my instrument alot. Sometimes I stare at the harp as I fall asleep, because it's a reminder of the strength, grace, and love God bestows upon my life.
Looking ahead, all of us are "on call" as Jennifer's due date approaches. She is due July twenty eighth, but really, she could go into labor anytime. Each time the phone rings, I wait with eager anticipation to see if it's "the call" from Colin and Jennifer. I know that when the baby is born, the timing will be perfect, because that moment has already been ordained by the Lord. Still though, I hope the baby is born soon!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Weekend In Review (With Pictures)
This past weekend was devoted to family. Friday, Mom and I cleaned the house. I like working together to accomplish such tasks, although it always amazes me how dirty a house can be even though we try to "tidy up" before going to bed each evening! Friday night and Saturday, we babysat Annelise and Nehemiah. I am enjoying this stage in their lives, because their personalities are more evident than ever before. Annelise can articulate her thoughts and feelings with words that are complex and descriptive. Nehemiah, in his own way, let's us know what he wants, too. He likes to play with balls!
Anyway, this weekend was so warm that we got out our pool. All three children played in it and splashed around. Even Nehemiah had fun! I sat in the shade and snapped some pictures while I observed the action. In case you're wondering, that I.V. poll is Paul Burton's. After Mom said that the children needed shade, Dad rigged up an umbrella to the poll. I love having smart and creative parents!
Yesterday afternoon, I watched a movie with Mom and Qavah titled The Prince and the Pauper. We discovered the movie on Netflix, but it was actually a Hallmark made-for-television movie. Apparently, Mark Twain wrote the story. The movie was just a little over an hour long, but I do recommend renting it! Qavah liked the story so much that she watched it again today!
Last night, Mom, Dad, Qavah, and I went to the Salem Fair. There were only a few farm animals to pet and most of the 4-H exhibits were closed, because it was the last night of the Fair. However, Qavah did get to have a pony ride on a real horse! At one point while we were walking around, we spotted an acrobat show involving two "pirates" and "mermaids". Qavah sat on Dad's shoulders and I used my digital camera (which has 10x zoom), so we could capture the show. Qavah liked the pirates' sword fight, while I was mesmerized with the shear courage and steadiness of the acrobats doing their stunts. After we left the Fair, we enjoyed a dessert at Dairy Queen.
My favorite part of this past weekend was being together with my family while experiencing very little physical pain. I know these "good" times may not always exist, so I'm truly thankful to the Lord for the days filled with family events instead of medicines, doctors, and hospital visits.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Mini Paragraph Randomness
Well, the comment system seems to be working again. Yeah! However, in the process of fixing the comments, my blog links disappeared. I tried to remember which blogs I was subscribed to, but it was hard to remember. So, if you are a friend and don't see your blog listed, feel free to let me know and I'll (probably) add the website address to my blog links on the sidebar. Then, I think I need a break from computer-related updates, bugs, and viruses.
Did you notice that today's date is 07-08-09? On average, I probably write the date twenty (or more) times a day. Normally, I write the date 07/08/2009, but today's pattern still jumped out at me. I guess I really can have fun with numbers. *grin*
I'm shopping and visiting with my friend, Fairlight, tonight. Maybe, just maybe, I'll remember to take a picture of us together. Tomorrow afternoon, I have an appointment with my GI doctor. I hope it goes well. I haven't seen him for several months.
Did you notice that today's date is 07-08-09? On average, I probably write the date twenty (or more) times a day. Normally, I write the date 07/08/2009, but today's pattern still jumped out at me. I guess I really can have fun with numbers. *grin*
I'm shopping and visiting with my friend, Fairlight, tonight. Maybe, just maybe, I'll remember to take a picture of us together. Tomorrow afternoon, I have an appointment with my GI doctor. I hope it goes well. I haven't seen him for several months.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Technology Woes
Sometimes I want to tell the technology geeks out there (I confess I am one of them), "If it's not broken, then don't tinker with it!" Google has teamed up with YouTube. Google also changed the display of their online email client (program). It has added new features to Blogger, too. While Google and Gmail are still some of the better internet programs available, all of these changes have created havoc on my computer and online blogger systems. It's just plain irritating.
On a happier note, my family used Skype last night to talk and "see" some friends that had recently moved out west to Idaho. Our long-distance conversation was alot of fun and uplifting! I eventually went to bed, but Mom and Dad visited awhile more via Skype. They even had a prayer time together. So, I guess technology is sometimes good and useful... you just have to know when to quit updating the invention.
On a happier note, my family used Skype last night to talk and "see" some friends that had recently moved out west to Idaho. Our long-distance conversation was alot of fun and uplifting! I eventually went to bed, but Mom and Dad visited awhile more via Skype. They even had a prayer time together. So, I guess technology is sometimes good and useful... you just have to know when to quit updating the invention.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Smile! You Are On...
Last week our family friends, the Pensacks, visited us. Their daughter Laura is a budding photographer, so we had a photoshoot in our very own backyard on a warm, summery afternoon. Although Qavah and I were the main ones being photographed, everyone got involved. The men graciously carried the props down to the middle of the yard. Then the moms assisted Laura with setting up the layout before each click of the camera.
This photoshoot was what I like to call "an event". The end result of Laura's creativity was a lot of beautiful pictures and many happy memories. Thank you to the Pensacks for blessing our family! Below is a "snapshot" of the three hundred pictures Laura captured (this is just a slideshow with no audio):
This photoshoot was what I like to call "an event". The end result of Laura's creativity was a lot of beautiful pictures and many happy memories. Thank you to the Pensacks for blessing our family! Below is a "snapshot" of the three hundred pictures Laura captured (this is just a slideshow with no audio):
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Happy Days!
We are doing well at home, although I've had monitor my health closely and carefully. I will hopefully update more later, however it has been a very busy time for our family. I just thought that someone might wonder if Qavah and I are still at home and not in the hospital. I'm happy to report that we've had family and friends staying at our home (not the hospital!) for two weeks straight. It's been quite a blessing! One of my favorite things to do is to have company. I look forward to sharing pictures and stories with you, but it is now time to begin another work day.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Expandable Love
Today is my nephew, Nehemiah's, first birthday. He's a relaxed, smiley, easy-going little guy. It is a blessing to have him a part of our family! It's fun to watch his big sister, Annelise, interact with him. A couple of weeks ago, he began to crawl and now can he cruises on the floor so fast! Nehemiah's name means, "God is my comfort".
I remember back when I found out that Colin and Jennifer were expecting their second child. Besides being happily surprised, I thought to myself, "I wonder if I need to do something in order to love this new child as much as I love Annelise." I actually questioned my own heart's ability to expand its "love capacity". Of course my fears quickly evaporated the moment I saw Nehemiah. He was a content and cute baby, not to mention wonderfully and fearfully made (Psalm 139:13-15).
My heart's ability to love another person unconditionally is also true of God. In fact, the Lord's love for each person goes deeper and wider than what any human heart can muster or fathom. 2 Peter 3:9 states, "He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance," and believe in His Son, Jesus Christ. So, on this Father's Day as I celebrate Nehemiah's birth, I also rejoice that a Heavenly Father exists with an expandable heart, full of love and mercy.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son." John 3:16-18
I remember back when I found out that Colin and Jennifer were expecting their second child. Besides being happily surprised, I thought to myself, "I wonder if I need to do something in order to love this new child as much as I love Annelise." I actually questioned my own heart's ability to expand its "love capacity". Of course my fears quickly evaporated the moment I saw Nehemiah. He was a content and cute baby, not to mention wonderfully and fearfully made (Psalm 139:13-15).
My heart's ability to love another person unconditionally is also true of God. In fact, the Lord's love for each person goes deeper and wider than what any human heart can muster or fathom. 2 Peter 3:9 states, "He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance," and believe in His Son, Jesus Christ. So, on this Father's Day as I celebrate Nehemiah's birth, I also rejoice that a Heavenly Father exists with an expandable heart, full of love and mercy.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son." John 3:16-18

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
A Stained Glass Life
Several weeks ago when "Grammy Helen" was here visiting, we shopped at a local antique store. I told Helen that I was looking for an antique wedding dress or picture to hang above my bed. Mom, Helen, and Qavah patiently and joyfully looked among many plates, clothes, and other "treasures" in hopes of fulfilling my request. I did not find what I first intended to use in my bedroom, but something even better! This stained glass piece of art is exactly what my room re-do needed in order to be "complete". The shape, the colors, the design; it's all so beautiful and goes with my bedroom decor perfectly! Even at night time, the moonlight shines through the stained glass enough that I can admire the birds and flowers while lying in bed.
The first time I saw this stained glass window, I was intrigued with how the light made the artwork "come alive." In general, it is sunlight illuminating behind the designs that make stained glass worth owning. Likewise, it is "Son-light"- Jesus Christ - that make our lives "glow". Apart from the inner presence of the Lord in our hearts, we present to the world a "dead" piece of art. Others may see what they believe is a pretty design, like the flowers and birds on my stained glass window, but as they get closer, they realize it's a facade of dullness and dimness.
However, if we have accepted the Lord as our personal Savior, than He can transform our hearts and lives into a gorgeous peace of art. In fact, as Christians, we are called to live in such a manner that draws others to God. Others should be so "intrigued" with our lives that they start wanting what we have, which is the presence of the Lord. I am thankful that my life has been "stained" with the shed blood of Jesus. And my daily prayer is that the perfectly true and pure Light would continue to shine in and through my life, making me a beautiful piece of glass for others to admire His handiwork.
"Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16
However, if we have accepted the Lord as our personal Savior, than He can transform our hearts and lives into a gorgeous peace of art. In fact, as Christians, we are called to live in such a manner that draws others to God. Others should be so "intrigued" with our lives that they start wanting what we have, which is the presence of the Lord. I am thankful that my life has been "stained" with the shed blood of Jesus. And my daily prayer is that the perfectly true and pure Light would continue to shine in and through my life, making me a beautiful piece of glass for others to admire His handiwork.
"Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16
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