This week has been filled with joyous celebrations of lives the Lord created, beginning with Eva's birth last Sunday. Our family took care of Annelise and Nehemiah until Jennifer's parents arrived on Wednesday.
Welcome little Eva! It's hard to believe you are already 1 week old:

Thursday, Uncle Todd and his family arrived. My male cousins enjoyed video games in Paul Burton's apartment, while the rest of us caught up over sips of coffee and tea. Then yesterday, our extended family celebrated Grandmom's Birthday a day early:

Thursday night, my mom and Aunt Judy - who both know how to sew- got the idea to make cushions for Grandmom's front patio furniture as her Birthday present. They were busy measuring and sewing when I went to bed. Amazingly though, the project was completed by the time my grandparents and two additional cousins arrived Friday mid-morning. We "modeled" the cushions for Grandmom using our upper porch swings:

Last night, we went to IHOP to celebrate my second-cousin Danae's 24th Birthday. Our presence was a complete surprise to Danae, who simply chose IHOP for the location of her Birthday dinner:

The party did not begin until 9:30pm, so it was a late night for all. Everyone got home before turning into pumpkins, but just barely! Aunt Julie (Danae's Mom) was gracious enough to let Qavah and I use her as a pillow when we got sleepy:

Needless to say, our home has been filled with much excitement and laughter over the past two weeks. The Lord has been merciful in giving Qavah and I strength to enjoy the festivities. Our family may work hard but we also play hard. The hours spent with extended family are blessed memories to cherish from the Giver of Life. I wouldn't want to spend my "good" days any other way!