Sunday, September 13, 2009

Looking Up (Physically and Spiritually)

It has been a rough few days, but I'm praying and hoping that things continue to progress in a good direction. I still have some intense abdominal pain, but I do feel better then Friday when I went to the emergency room. Tonight, I did some more "investigating" via the internet. I visited several websites where people can write their experiences of different medical issues and remedies. Thrush is very common for those who use inhalers on a regular basis. I now remember my Aunt Judy mentioning this early last month when she visited our home, but unfortunately, her advice to rinse out my mouth after using an inhaler did not "stick". I also plan to cut back on my sugar intake. This is going to be a bit hard to do as I'm discovering how many things contain sugar. However, at least right now, the discomfort I've experienced over the weekend has been incentive enough to change my eating habits. Please pray that I'll continue to desire and find foods - especially snacks - that are better for my body.

Today, in the midst of my physical pain, I was strengthened spiritually (even though I wasn't able to attend church). I was also reminded of the importance of living my life in a way that would make others desire to seek and follow Christ. We had a visitor for lunch who used to work at the same company as Colin does, but is now in the process of returning to his home country of India. He is also a Christian and shared with our family his testimony. It was encouraging to hear of how he came to accept Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior; it brought tears to my eyes. I'm always in awe of the length God will go to draw someone to Himself.

This young man is thankful to be reunited with his earthly family, but even more eager to share the Gospel message with fellow Indians. It was a privilege to pray for this Brother in Christ before he left our home, but I was even more blessed when he prayed for our family. Isn't that the way God works? We are told to give and be servants to others, but are often more blessed and energized than the receiver. Lord, as this next week begins, may we "look up" to You in total reliance. Thank you for the promise that You can be our strength and song for the days to come. Amen.