Sunday, July 13, 2008

Weekend Re-Cap

It has been a great weekend, full of better health and fun memories. Yesterday, Mom, Qavah, and I went shopping. We went to Petsmart to buy some dog food and outside of the store were some dogs for sale. The owner would let children go "inside" of the caged area to pet the dogs. Qavah surprised Mom and me by asking if she could pet the dogs. Definitely a camera moment!

Then, we went to the local mall and discovered a children's play center located inside the mall. It was a "jungle" theme with plastic animals that children could climb over or ride. Mom and I sat down on the parents' benches for awhile, so Qavah could play. Qavah kept asking me to play with her, but I was reluctant, because I didn't feel like taking my shoes off and I wanted to conserve my energy. Finally, however, I decided to climb on at least one animal with her, so Mom could get a picture. It was actually fun! Then, at one store, I saw a friend of mine shopping with her mother. We had just been emailing each other with possible dates of when to take our younger sisters for a "girls night out". This friend reads the websites regularly and prays diligently, but she never had the opportunity to meet Qavah until yesterday. It was a spontaneous, yet joyful, moment that I knew was ordained by the Lord.

Last night, Paul Burton and we girls went to his "apartment" (on our property - a converted, finished garage) to watch Bella. PB hadn't seen the movie yet, but unfortunately, Dad couldn't join us because he had work to do at the shop. Anyway, we watched the movie using PB's projector, and empty white wall, so the movie screen was extra large. It was a similar experience to watching movies at a theatre, only there wasn't the occasional rowdy child or cell phone ringing loudly. Also, we sat on PB's day bed, so we were more comfortable. Thanks, bro!

On Friday, we had some corn on the cob that Dad brought home from work. Corn still bothers my stomach, so I simply sucked on the kernels for awhile and then spit them out. Qavah, however, loved the corn! She helped Mom and me "get the hairs off" (i.e. shucking and washing the corn) and then she stayed at the sink to eat her piece. It was fun watching her, because she was having pure delight. It took Qavah a long time, but she ate every kernel. I do have to say that while the experience was an "event," the corn wasn't as delicious as the kind we get from "Uncle" Les and "Aunt" Marcia in Michigan. They get the prize for the best corn ever.

This morning, I felt well enough to attend Church. Paul Burton sang a Fernando Ortega song titled Creation Song. Dad played his cello and the rest of the church music team accompanied him. Paul Burton sang like he truly believed the lyrics with all of his heart. And the cello added a dramatic affect to the words. It was one of those worship experiences that felt anointed by the Lord. There was even a "holy hush" when the song concluded. Below is a YouTube video of Creation Song set to beautiful scenery. May it be a blessing to you as you begin the new work week.