I've heard the phrase "Christmas in July" before, but I never knew what it really meant. So, I decided to research the subject using Wikipedia. Here's what I discovered:
"Christmas in July is an event which is unofficially celebrated as a holiday by people. It is especially popular among the young people. A Christmas in July dinner usually includes Christmas Decorations Christmas Candles, colorful streamers, bonbons, Christmas hats and whistles. During the summer months in the northern hemisphere, the weather becomes increasingly warm and many people crave for the atmosphere of cooler temperatures, gift giving, and holiday spirit. To satisfy this craving, some people throw parties during the month of July that mimic the holiday of Christmas."
Recently, I have either bought or have been given some neat items. I wanted to post pictures of these items online, but didn't know how to combine the information into one post that made sense. That's when my thoughts first turned toward "Christmas in July". All of these "gifts" reminded me of Christmas time...only in July instead of December. The pictures with the stories behind each item is shown below.
About three weeks ago, I stopped at Whitney's house to pick up something when she said to me, "Oh by the way, I have a student that uses a harp tuner that I think you could use. It's easy to read". She gave me the particulars and so I went with Paul Burton on the way home to look at the tuner. It was easy to see and operate, so I bought it. Dad wrote down the music notes in my spiral notebook, so I wouldn't tune my harp to the wrong key. However, thanks to Whitney, I'm now able to tune my own harp!

Since starting Boniva, I've been discussing with Mom and Dad the need for me to exercise, particularly walking. My doctors have also mentioned it to me at recent appointments. I don't have a paved street on which to power walk, because I don't live in a neighborhood. So, last week on his lunch hour, Dad shopped at a nearby Salvation Army store and found an exercise bike for me. The bike cost was only $10.00 and, since it's miniature in size, it doesn't take up a lot of space. I've enjoyed using this exercise bike everyday. Thank you, Dad!
Back on March 12, Mom did a post (on the Campbell Family Journal website) about the Spring weather. She had a photograph of Qavah and me picking yellow flowers in a field near our house. Well, as a graduation gift, my sister-in-law Jennifer made the photograph into a painting using oil pastels. Mom and I got the new painting framed. We also had Whitney's mother, Mrs. Dobyns, use her calligraphy skills to title the painting, "Sisters". The painting is really beautiful. When I look at Jennifer's artwork, I'm also reminded of the many answers to prayer the painting symbolizes. I've hung this artwork in our eating area, so Qavah and I can glance at it during family dinners. Thank you to Colin and Jennifer for a graduation gift that is a personal, yet meaningful, keepsake.