Saturday, March 31, 2007

Saturday Evening

“Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”-Ephesians 5:19-20

One of my favorite things to do for “devotions” is to read hymn lyrics, instead of singing them. Besides their poetic nature, I discovered hymnology to be soothing for my soul, because it provides my brain and heart with more time to digest the words. Thus, making the hymn more meaningful the next time I sing it.

Mom and I read hymns together in the hospital before falling asleep. Actually, I can remember hymnology being apart of our home-school learning many years ago. Our hymnology discussions often expanded to studying the author, composer, Biblical context, and era in which the hymn was written. The “last” hymnology lesson I had during middle school was the Lord’s Prayer and my homework was to learn the sign language to each stanza.

Below is another hymn that is worth taking the time to meditate on the lyrics. The words were written by Horatio Spafford. According to Cyber Hymnal, “This hymn was writ­ten af­ter two ma­jor trau­mas in Spaf­ford’s life. The first was the great Chi­ca­go Fire of Oc­to­ber 1871, which ru­ined him fi­nan­cial­ly (he had been a weal­thy bus­i­ness­man). Short­ly af­ter, while cross­ing the At­lan­tic, all four of Spaf­ford’s daugh­ters died in a col­li­sion with an­o­ther ship. Spaf­ford’s wife Anna sur­vived and sent him the now fa­mous tel­e­gram, “Saved alone.” Sev­er­al weeks lat­er, as Spaf­ford’s own ship passed near the spot where his daugh­ters died, the Ho­ly Spir­it in­spired these words. They speak to the eter­nal hope that all be­liev­ers have, no mat­ter what pain and grief be­fall them on earth.

It Is Well With My Soul

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.


It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.


My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!


For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:
If Jordan above me shall roll,
No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life
Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.


But, Lord, ‘tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait,
The sky, not the grave, is our goal;
Oh trump of the angel! Oh voice of the Lord!
Blessèd hope, blessèd rest of my soul!


And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.


  1. andrea russell Says:

    Hi Katy,

    It seems you are doing a bit better today?!
    I have something for you that I put on my blog the other day. Please check it out. The story I wrote is about my life, but the video fits right in here sweetie. I hope you like it!!

    I hope you enjoy it. This is one of my favorite Hymns.

    Love and Blessings

  2. Sandy Says:

    We just sang that at my church a couple of weeks ago. I do love that hymn. And reading hymns for devotions is wonderful. I hope you are enjoying the Lord’s Day today.

  3. Karen Tillman Says:

    This is one of my absolute favorite humns. It moves me everytime I hear it sung, and it all but brings me to tears as I sing it. Knowing that no matter what the trial, God is there for me, and all is well with my soul because of Him. Hope you feel better again soon.
    Love Always
    Karen Tillman

  4. Trisha Ferris Says:

    My favorite hymn as well. I cannot read or sing it without tears. I don’t remember ever seeing verses 3 or 4. What beautiful words! No matter what the level or variety of suffering a person experiences, the message of that song applies. Thank you for reminding us of it. And please know that I continue to pray for you & all your family.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Phone Call

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up .”

1 Thessalonians 5:11

I’m sure all of us have received phone calls at “just the wrong time”- usually telemarketers during dinner hour. Well, last week I received a phone call at “just the right time”. It was Monday night at 10:00 p.m. Dad, Mom, and I were in the living room talking after finishing a movie. I was on the cot, because it had been a very bad health day. I was feeling downright discouraged when the phone rang…

It was my friends- Candice and Crystal - calling from Arizona. Actually, it was their father who got on the phone first: “Hello Katy, the girls are here practicing for their upcoming concert and I told them there is a family that needs to hear the song they are about to sing”. For the next five minutes, my parents and I listened to a “live concert” via speaker phone. By the time the girls finished singing, my soul was encouraged! I no longer felt like crying. The Lord had used an “untimely” phone call to “build up” our family. The lyrics to the song are copied below:

I Will Never Leave You Alone
Artist Janet Paschal

Wandering in the wilderness, stumbling in the dark.
Life put me on a road I prayed I’d never have to walk.
Helpless and uncertain, staring at a wall.
I wondered where the Lord was in it all.

But God Said I love you forever.
I will never leave you alone.
Days when you feel your heart can’t take it.
I will be the one to make you strong.
I’ll be there to help you carry on.
I will never leave you alone.

Picking up the pieces of dreams that had to die.
Trying hard to understand, and not to question, ‘Why?’
It took a while to realize, what now I clearly see.
That holding on to HIM meant letting go of me.

Oh, God Said I love you forever.
I will never leave you alone.
Days when you feel your heart can’t take it.
I will be the one to make you strong.
I’ll be there to help you carry on.
I will never leave you alone.

  1. Aleah Yunger Says:

    Katy, I read these verses earlier today and you were the first thing to pop into my mind:

    Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. God, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer’s; he makes me tread on my high places.
    -Habakkuk 3:17-19

    You have been such a witness to me of someone who, no matter what, takes joy in God and holds the Lord as your strength! I tell whoever I can about you and they are always encouraged to hear your story :) you have countless heart praying for you tonight, dear. Sleep sweet! Love, Aleah

  2. Patricia Says:

    Wow! and a resounding AMEN!!!

  3. Sandy Says:

    What beautiful words, and I’m so glad that call came just when you needed it. God’s peace to you, my friend.

  4. Jennifer S. :-) Says:

    Wow, that’s so neat to see how the Lord’s timing is so perfect!!
    Love and prayers,
    Jen :-)

  5. Karen Tillman Says:

    Aren’t the twins truly angels!!! I just love to hear them sing, it is an event I look forward to every year!!!
    Karen Tillman

  6. Heather Kirkwood Says:

    What awesome lyrics!!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Until Next Time, Helen…

Today has been filled with blessings and the day is not even over yet. A few days ago, the seasons changed from Winter to Spring, but today it really feels like it. The sun is out and it’s in the low 70s with a slight breeze. The weather is just too gorgeous not to enjoy, so Annelise joined our girl time on the back porch via her stroller, while Mom painted my shelf, and I looked on with enjoyment.

Once we finished babysitting Annelise, Mom and I left home to visit our dear friend Helen who is moving away to Ohio this weekend. I first met Helen several years ago while my family was attending our former church. She was amazing then and is even more so now. Helen has the wisdom of 70+ years. Yet, her joyful countenance and “spunk” suggest there’s still a little girl inside. I have always found Helen’s words to be “grace[ful] and seasoned with salt” (Colossians 4:6). Likewise, Helen “does her husband good, not harm” by caring for him daily with tenderness and love, despite his older age and blindness. Our visit today was lovely. We shared tea, memories, and prayer. It was hard to say good-bye to Helen, but I know that I can visit her in Ohio. And if that doesn’t happen, someday we’ll be praising the Lord together in Heaven where time, age, and sickness are no more. (Mom has also written about Helen under Dawn’s Musings.)

Well, the sun has set and my father is now home. Mom and I just returned from Dollar General, where we bought a few goodies for our movie night.


  1. Trisha Ferris Says:

    Hi, Katy,
    It’s been some time since I’ve commented on your blog, so I just wanted you to know I’m still here, checking daily & praying for you. I think of all the folks who read this as I do feeling like they are a part of a story & wondering what will happen next. We would like to see you healed & an ending that goes something like “and they all lived happily ever after”, but we don’t really want to finish the book. You & Dawn are both very good writers & I hope you will both keep it up no matter where this story (written by none other than God Himself) takes you.
    Love in the Lamb,

  2. Sandy Says:

    It is so wonderful to read that your days are improving somewhat and you are able to enjoy outdoors, babies, and friends! Take good care my friend. You continue to be in my daily prayers.

  3. Aunt Lil Says:

    (Back Home)

    Katy, How I”d love to jump on a plane and come and join you for a few days in that “glorious weather”! We’ve had a colder than usual March - barely getting out of the 40’s, low to mid=50’s tomorrow, and rain as far as the forecast reaches! But I’M SO GLAD YOU HAVE THE LOVELY WEATHER TO ENJOY, AND THE HEALTH TO ENJOY IT! We sang that “Blessed be your Name” last Sunday at church. You certainly have experienced it all in these last months, especially the pain part. May our dear Lord Jesus give you a long relief and a speedy recovery now from the prednisone and all its side effects.
    I hope you’ll tell us all about your new room decor. I re-hung my orchids in their streamer tubes today. I’d put them in the frig while away. I also just bought some daffodils and yellow/white alstromerias to make a bright arrangement for these dark days - “letting a little sunshine in”!
    Much love, Aunt Lil

  4. Jes Says:

    Hey Katie!
    I am so glad that you had a good day - filled with blessings! I have a friend similar to Helen and those older ladies are such a joy to know - my friend was teaching me how to knit and she decided that I was perhaps the worst student she had ever had! :) I love the honesty and spunk! We are totally enjoying the weather also! I had the kids outside almost ALL day…we even had a picnic lunch - which was wonderful because I didn’t have to clean up the kitchen afterwards!

    I hope tomorrow is as good if not better than today! We continue to pray for you all the time!

    Love ya!

  5. Karen Tillman Says:

    Hey Katy,
    It is so wonderful to see and hear that you are having a wonderful day. Right now I am sure that you cherish these moments, as they are what keeps us going. May God continue to be with you during your taper off prednisone, and rest assured I will keep praying for the rest of your journey to not be so tough.
    Love and prayers
    Karen tillman

  6. Heather Kirkwood Says:

    I’m with Karen…dido…..grin! I’m glad to see that you’re blogging again!

  7. Jennifer S. :-) Says:

    All I can say is YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! This weather is so wonderful–I am thoroughly enjoying it!! I hope it stays good and warm like this for a while. No more cold. :-) I will try to come see you soon, but school’s keeping me really swamped. I hope you’ll forgive me.
    And welcome back!! It’s great to see you posting. Really great!! :-)
    Love and prayers,
    Jen :-)

  8. linda kochendarfer Says:

    Dear Katy,
    The song you quoted, “Blessed Be Your Name,” was one I was not familiar with until this morning when I sang it in church. It touched me then but even more so as I saw its application in your life (and mine.) I’m glad to hear you are able to be out a little and enjoying this beautiful weather. I am watching my granddaughter 5 days a week. She is now almost 3 months old. Maybe she and Annalise can have a visit one day soon when you and your mom are up to it. Mr. K is in France for the week but will be checking on you through the blog. We pray for you consistently and are so thankful for your faithfulness to the Lord.
    Mrs. K

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Blessed Be Your Name

This week, over all, has been much better than last week. Although I’m still dealing with some health issues, the Prednisone taper is going better than I expected. At least the bone pain is more of a “come and go” than “all-the-time” pain. I am thankful for the pain medication and bath soaks which help alleviate the most intense times.

Yesterday was a “bonus” day. I babysat Annelise for a short while. She is almost 4-months-old. It’s amazing how much love such a tiny human being can display. Her smiles and gentle baby gibberish provide “life” and hope to my otherwise complicated health world.

Later in the day, my parents and I visited the library. Actually, I had gotten ready in the morning to visit a friend with Mom. However, as the day went on, I became too weak to venture out. So while Mom visited, I slept. That meant that by the time evening came, I was perky and dressed up but had no place to go! Then, Mom had the wonderful idea to visit a library. So, Dad was the chauffeur and off we went across town to a library I had never seen before. It turned out to be one of the biggest libraries we have; A real feast for the senses! Mom and Dad browsed the rows and rows of videos for mystery movies while I perused the 20-cent bins for decorating magazines. All of us “hit the jackpot”. It took all three of our library cards to check out the eight mystery movies, while Dad bought me $4.50 worth of decorating ideas. On the way home, I exclaimed to my parents, “I feel rich!”

I am constantly amazed how gracious God is to me. Every day, He provides exactly what I need. On pain-filled days, sometimes just a call from a friend or Mom’s soothing touch is enough. Then there are days like yesterday where He gives me adventures that delight my soul. Today, I was reminded of a song titled Blessed Be Your Name that I used to sing in church. It was always one of my favorite choruses, because the lyrics were convicting, yet meaningful. Eight months later, this song means even more to me, because I’ve been challenged daily to live what I used to praise with my lips. Here are the lyrics:

Blessed Be Your Name (Matt Redman)

Blessed Be Your Name
In the land that is plentiful
Where Your streams of abundance flow
Blessed be Your name

Blessed Be Your name
When I’m found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed Be Your name

Every blessing You pour out
I’ll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say

Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name

Blessed be Your name
When the sun’s shining down on me
When the world’s ‘all as it should be’
Blessed be Your name

Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there’s pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name

Every blessing You pour out
I’ll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say

Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name

You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name.
  1. Mike Theesfield Says:

    Ah, libraries! I know the feeling! When I was in better health, I thought little of a two-hundred-mile round-robin trip on my motorcycle to visit two or three different libraries. I still have the cards from libraries all over western Pennsylvania. For me, it was pretty strictly about books. Books and periodicals were about all libraries had when I was growing up. If I try hard enough, I can remember every library I ever visited, and I have fond memories of most of them. I’m glad that you too find enjoyment in/from them.
    Cousin Mike

  2. Danae Says:

    Awesome! I love libraries! Which branch was it? Over Spring break I looked up all kinds of info on the Newberry Medal. I though maybe I should read as many as I can so I know of books to recommend my students. Well… I had better start now; there is one winner each year (since 1922), plus 3-4 honor books as well. It seems like I might be spending quite a bit of time at the library in the next few months… :)

    I miss you!

  3. Jennifer S. :-) Says:

    WOW!!! I love libraries!! I can’t wait to be finished with school and be able to go there for fun books instead of school books!! :-) I’m glad your day was nice and I hope you enjoy those movies and magazines. Hang in there!!
    Love and prayers,
    Jen :-)

  4. Julie Wensley Says:

    Hey Katy,
    I love that song. In fact, when we sang it in Bible Study, I told the girls about you when I introduced the song. The line that is so powerful is near the end “My heart will choose to say, Lord blessed be Your name.” You have continued to make that choice day after day, even “when the darkness closes in.” You are continually an inspiration to me. I love you Katy.

    ~Aunt Julie

  5. Karen Tillman Says:

    Katy, there is nothing like getting out of the house to make you feel refreshed. There are many days that I am stuck in the house, and if it weren’t for volunteering and the ocassional visits from my family and friends, I think I would go nuts. Of course I think that is one of the reasons I want so much to support my HPS family as much as I possibly can. I think it is also the reason I can sympathize with the different situations. God has given me the spiritual gift of mercy and it is sometimes a very burdensome gift, and at times it is the most delightful. Charles Stanley did a sermon on the spirtual gift of mercy once that really help me to understand a lot about myself that I never knew. It often amazes me how God puts people in my life and how I am always drawn to those in need. But it also makes me feel so blessed to be used of God in such a special way. I hope your day today is better than yesterday and the days just keep getting better and better.
    Love and Prayers
    Karen Tillman

  6. andrea russell Says:

    Hi Katy,

    this is also one of my favorite songs. I love the lyrics and the music :)
    Our God is awesome and he holds you so close and tight, can you feel it?

    I do love libraries as well. I used to get me the real crime books, and now I check out all kinds of christian books. How a life changes when you find the Lord. My life changed completely when I found Wellspring and through you all God!!

    Love ya
    Blessings Andrea

  7. Bob, Amy, Emily, Meredith and Abby Says:


    I just have to say that I love that song! I find myself pondering as I sing “Blessed be Your Name on a road marked with suffering….” Can I truly say that and mean it? But you have shown in your life that not only can you say that but you mean it with all your heart. He is the One that you hang onto. Your faith has been strengthened through all that has occured over the last several months. And through your testimony, I know that many others have been strengthened and probably convicted like me. You are in my thoughts every day, Katy. I hope to see you soon.

    All my love,

  8. Beth Sprankle Says:

    Blessed be His name! Powerful song. Thank you for posting the lyrics. This song has so impacted my Ken that he listens to it regularly. Hence, all of us Sprankles have it completely “memorized and meditated on”, from the repetition. We just sang it again this past Sunday, and its meaning was ever new again.

    Thank you for magnifying the Lord through your road of suffering, and on days of sunshine as well. You will never know how much your life encourages others to follow close to Jesus no matter where the path leads.

    My heart will choose to say,
    Lord, blessed be Your name.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Healing Water

Today, I woke up with intense pain in every part of my body. My arms and legs felt like cement pillars. My body had crashed after the busyness (mostly joys) of this week. So, while I ate my lunch on the sun-lit porch downstairs, Mom prepared my bath soak in the upstairs bathroom. She placed the 21′ storage bin in the bathtub and began filling it with water. I got in when the water was just covering my ankles, but it took about 30 minutes to fill the entire tub. I didn’t mind the water running, because the hot water entering the tub was already “soaking away” my bone pain. Mom had also used some bath aromas of lavender, juniper, and eucalyptus to help detox my body. So not only did the pain I had experienced from morning-on diminish, I also smelled like an English garden! After awhile, Mom returned downstairs to accomplish some other tasks while I remained upstairs to soak. When she did return to check on me- a good 45 minutes later- I was totally pain-free, smiling, and my eyes were closed. I said to Mom, “This is bliss!” while praising the Lord for creative parents.

Tonight, Mom had a Tea here for a ladies’ Bible study class that had just finished their study but wanted a one-last fellowship time together. Some of the women I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time tonight. Other ladies I knew from previous studies or hospital visits. However, the entire class had been praying for Mom and me faithfully at every Bible study meeting. So, it was our delight to host these Christian ladies. They shared their testimonies and the impact of the study on their individual lives. Mom and I shared a bit of what God has been teaching us these past eight months. It was an uplifting evening.

It is now late, but I am going to bed feeling refreshed. I have been healed today by both physical water and the “living water” of God’s Word.

  1. Karen Tillman Says:

    Nothing like a warm bath, and pleasant aromas filling the room to make a person feel brand new. Even if for a little while. I’ve always enjoyed an aromatherapy bath experience. I often add candlelight as well if it is at night as I like to watch the fire flicker, and the shadows dance on the walls. Ok, I know that sounds weird, but I’ve always been a little strange anyway. I pray that tomorrow, or actually later this morning you will wake up to a much better day than yesterday.
    Love always
    Karen Tillman

  2. Heather Kirkwood Says:

    Hey Katy!
    I’m so thrilled you’re up to posting and feeling better. I LOVE those fragrances too - they’re all great ones for relaxation and getting rid of stress. I keep praying that your HPS bowel issues would go into a remission - maybe even before you need more drugs, that everything would just settle down, and that when it does, it stays that way for a nice long time! But, I’m also glad that you’re working with the docs to create a plan of action. And, I’m anxious to hear more about the “Martha” Katy! Ryan calls these moments with me my “Martha moments.”

  3. Aunt Lil Says:

    Katy, Wow! So glad for the pain relief! Those nice hot baths! I don’t take time often to fill our big long tub with jacuzzi water spouts, but when I’m just really exhausted and tense, I do at night, with fragrant bubble bath and I also light a candle, like your friend above, as I love the semi-dark and the candle-light beauty.

    I am intensely interested in your bedroom makeover plan! That’s my first love, you know, after the Lord and certain people! That’s what I would have done for a living, I think, had I not been called to be a missionary, which I am sure kept me out of a lot of trouble!

    In fact, my living room has just had a real re-vamping for my tropical party for our Seniors, the Royal Heirs from our church. I can’t remember if I told you about it. Tony’s not at all fond of large affairs here, and I just LOVE them, so I have to do some…um…subtle managing and sometimes it works. The leaders of the R Heirs were very interested and after I’d let Tony simmer down from his first vehement “NO”! I let the Social organizer approach him - about a month later… His response was “Well, you’d better talk to her about it”. Wow! I know he’s a man that changes his mind a lot.

    It happened yesterday and was FABULOUS. I’ll tell you a little. I made our big round ivory ceramic topped coffee table into an “island”, with a 5 ft palm tree with a darling TY monkey sitting atop, his tail dangling through.
    At the base I set the 2 1/2 foot white statue of a little boy holding a flapping duck - very graceful, and packed live yellow and white violas in small dishes covered with spaghnum moss around its base. Then I hung
    live ivy strands from under our high deck around the statute, in flower tubes. Put a few Florida sea shells and a coconut in its husk in the left over spaces. On the hearth I put that little traveling “trunk” covered with palm tree designs as my “treasure chest” and had a couple silk scarves and some gold and pearl chains and jewels hanging out and around, along with a lot of dozens of! old coins from many countries I’ve been in, added some gold colored chocolate coins.

    There were palm tree hanging s and pictures all around, 2 large parrot/cocatoo birds on mantle and wall, an red anthurium blooming by the fountain. The most special were 8 real, large symbidium orchid blossoms hanging from (artificial) ivy chains with a flower water tube threaded up the ends!!! And its all still there and I wish you could come and see it. The orchids were a God-thing for sure! I bought one stems with 8 perfect large blossoms for $4.00! EXACTLY the number, kind and color I hoped (not quite prayed for!) I had Carribbean steel drum bands playing on CD and the citrus smell of Daphne from our bush in bloom outside, plus rose simmer scent. I have an “orange tree” made from a shortened ficus with white stephanotis blossoms and real small oranges tied in with bows. The orchids hanging around give it such a LUSH, verdant feel! I also made little “ponds” as center pieces for the 6 tables - we had 30 people. The ponds had tiny shells, some strands of spaghnum moss for “seaweed”, a cluster of two of Daphne for scent and a wax frangi-pani floating candle, with sea-blue water - they were matching little glass dishes. And I didn’t buy hardly anything. Much was Florida stuff I have pute away until the next time. I just bought the 2$ ivy chains - 2 cut into eight, the orchids and oranges, paperplates and punch glasses, that’s about it. Maybe that will give you some food for thought for your room. I gotta’ run. Tony has a CT this afternoon to see whether his dreadful spighellian hernia has recurred. Love and prayers, Aunt Lil

  4. Mike Theesfield Says:

    Hi, Katy.
    What a vivid picture you paint with words! I hope that regaining of strength comes with relief of the pain, and I hope to see much more of your writing skills (I enjoy writing, too).
    Cousin Mike

  5. andrea russell Says:

    Hello KAty,

    I knew our Father would answer all those prayers for you! I am so glad to hear that ou feeling a bit better! We all that you will be able soon to join on Sundays again. We cant wait, so you see the new place where we at :)

    I continue to pray for you and your family.
    With Love and Many Blessings to you


  6. Jennifer S. :-) Says:

    I LOVE hot baths…it’s so wonderful to soak all your cares away. :-) I’m praying for your strength through this new week–hopefully a week free of bone pain!!
    Love and prayers,
    Jen :-)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Hope on the Horizon

I am feeling hopeful tonight. It has been a much better week than the previous one. I am feeling better mentally, which I credit as answered prayer. In addition, the two doctor visits have gone well. (I have one more tomorrow with the hematologist). After eight months, the doctors have finally agreed on a plan to get me off the steroids. I am praying (and cautiously hopeful) that the use of Remicade, instead of Prednisone, will be more successful than anyone could imagine.

After the gall bladder surgery, I had three pain-free days before the bone pain started again. After several days of intense agony, I was feeling pretty discouraged by Sunday. Yesterday, however, the Lord reminded me of the many new blessings I am able experience. Since the surgery, the pain on my right side is gone. The acid reflux problem has improved, so now I can actually enjoy what I’m eating! And even though the bone pain is a nuisance, I am hopeful that once we lower the Prednisone, that pain will lessen as well.

As Mom stated on the medical blog, she had the idea to do a makeover to my bedroom. It has been fun dreaming, planning, shopping, cleaning, and now decorating together. Today, Mom and I even went to Wal-Mart. While at the store, we ran into several “Bible study” friends. What a treat! Friends often state how happy they are to see me “out and about,” but I always feel uplifted after our five-minute visits, because their joy is contagious.

  1. Ana Guzman Says:

    Hi Katy,
    I finally found this…I have accessibility settings on my browser and for some reason it blocks out the entire top section of your blog so that I could not see the “musings” section. I disabled it today and found your posts.

    I am so happy to see that you are feeling well enough to post once again. I pray for your continued recovery.

    I also wanted to say that my daughter and I were so looking forward to meeting you at the HPS conference. She even took her Samantha to meet you and spend some time with you in case you were not able to leave your room. Hopefully next time it will work out.

    Many Blessings to you and your family. Ana & Desiree

  2. Sandy Says:

    Katy — I was so glad to see this post! And it is great to feel hopeful. You continue to be in my prayers more than daily! Take good care, my friend.

  3. Karen Tillman Says:

    Actually Katy, It is the coming off of the steroids that usually induces the bone pain for me, and so we’ve learned to taper quite slowly, so the pain is not as intense. Once I get low enough though it eventually stops, and life is good once again. For awhile at least. I know this has been such a struggle for you, but God obviously has something special in mind as He has seen fit to bring you through.
    Distraction is definately a good thing though, as if you can keep the mind busy, you’re not constantly thinking of the pain. Once you get your room revamped with those curtains your mom is making, be sure to put a picture up so that we can see it. I am so glad that you are feeling up to writing and helping your mom, that is truly a good sign. and I’ll tell ya the big tub idea was brilliant!!! As much as I’ve dealt with this, I never thougth about doing that.
    Take care sweetie.
    Love Always
    Karen Tillman

  4. Doris Harriff Says:

    Katy, so glad you felt up to posting! You are continually in my prayers, and our entire church is praying for you.

    And I agree with Karen about the big tub - that was brilliant! Your Mom & Dad have such brilliant and innovative ideas.

    God bless!

    Aunt Doris

  5. Emily Williams Says:

    Hey Katy!

    Redoing your room sounds like so much fun! It will help take your mind off things. I am hoping to find time this summer to redo my room. (I have been saying that for the past two summers). ;)

    My computer has not been letting me leave you any comments. But today it is going to let me:)

    I have been praying for you. I am glad to hear that you are doing a little bit better.


Thursday, March 1, 2007

Thursday Night

I apologize in not updating my part of the website. And to those who emailed me this week, I again apologize in not responding in a timely manner. Since I have been feeling horrible most of the week, tonight was the first time I was on my computer in several days. Thus, the majority of tonight was spent catching up on “paperwork,” emailing, and talking to friends online. It is now getting late, so I hope to do a better update on this site tomorrow.

Thank you for the prayers and comments, though. I know it is only by prayer from faithful friends and God’s mercy that my gall bladder surgery was scheduled for this Saturday, because when I went to the ER on Tuesday, the doctors did not want to perform the surgery. Your prayers have been answered! Although the surgery won’t be easy, I’m am ready mentally. “Good-bye gall bladder and hello relief” is my attitude!

  1. Heather Kirkwood Says:

    Bye bye gall bladder!!!!! Katy, I really hope this helps relieve at least some of the problems and that you see a turn around. I’m praying for it as I know so many others are. Don’t worry about e-mails and Web sites. We all know you’ll get to it when you feel up to it.

  2. Jennifer S. :-) Says:

    Katy, I sure hope and pray this will be the ticket for you. The Lord knows best!!
    Love you,
    Jen :-)

  3. Mike Theesfield Says:

    Dear Katy,
    No apology is necessary. If you’re not feeling up to it, then you’re not feeling up to it; I’m confident that everyone who cares about you understands that. I hope that you do get relief out of the surgery.
    Sincerely, Cousin Mike

  4. Doris Harriff Says:

    Katy, I do hope this results in a great deal of pain relief. You are always in my prayers. You are on the “regular” prayer list in our church, and I called the prayer chain this morning about your coming surgery.
    Aunt Doris

  5. Sandy Says:

    Many prayers for your surgery tomorrow! Take good care, my friend.

  6. Karen Tillman Says:


    I am so glad that you felt up to posting last night, and I certainly understand the concept of not feeling well enough to post. May God keep you in His tender care tomorrow morning and throughout your recovery period. My prayer is that you will soon be pain free once again.
    Karen Tillman

  7. Aleah Yunger Says:

    Katy, I’m so glad to hear about the surgery. I really pray it goes well and I hope it helps with the pain! I am coming in for spring break one week from today and I will be in town for a whole week so I want to SEE YOU! I don’t care if you’re in the hospital or at home, doesn’t matter, just let me know if you want me to come by and watch movies with you and your mom or just spend time together praying. You’re in my thoughts and prayers. Love always, Aleah

  8. Aunt Lil Says:

    You’ll be on my mind and in my prayers tomorrow, and I have put you on our church prayer chain for tomorrow. Love you, Katy! Aunt Lil

  9. Alicia Richardson Says:

    Hey Katy!!!! I miss talking to you and our procrastination games of Literati. I hope you are feelin better after your surgery. I hope to call you soon and let you listen to Isaac laugh….I bet Annaleise is giving you lots of smiles too
    Love always
    your sister in Christ