Until Next Time, Helen…
Today has been filled with blessings and the day is not even over yet. A few days ago, the seasons changed from Winter to Spring, but today it really feels like it. The sun is out and it’s in the low 70s with a slight breeze. The weather is just too gorgeous not to enjoy, so Annelise joined our girl time on the back porch via her stroller, while Mom painted my shelf, and I looked on with enjoyment.
Once we finished babysitting Annelise, Mom and I left home to visit our dear friend Helen who is moving away to Ohio this weekend. I first met Helen several years ago while my family was attending our former church. She was amazing then and is even more so now. Helen has the wisdom of 70+ years. Yet, her joyful countenance and “spunk” suggest there’s still a little girl inside. I have always found Helen’s words to be “grace[ful] and seasoned with salt” (Colossians 4:6). Likewise, Helen “does her husband good, not harm” by caring for him daily with tenderness and love, despite his older age and blindness. Our visit today was lovely. We shared tea, memories, and prayer. It was hard to say good-bye to Helen, but I know that I can visit her in Ohio. And if that doesn’t happen, someday we’ll be praising the Lord together in Heaven where time, age, and sickness are no more. (Mom has also written about Helen under Dawn’s Musings.)
Well, the sun has set and my father is now home. Mom and I just returned from Dollar General, where we bought a few goodies for our movie night.
March 22nd, 2007 at 6:58 pm
Hi, Katy,
It’s been some time since I’ve commented on your blog, so I just wanted you to know I’m still here, checking daily & praying for you. I think of all the folks who read this as I do feeling like they are a part of a story & wondering what will happen next. We would like to see you healed & an ending that goes something like “and they all lived happily ever after”, but we don’t really want to finish the book. You & Dawn are both very good writers & I hope you will both keep it up no matter where this story (written by none other than God Himself) takes you.
Love in the Lamb,
March 22nd, 2007 at 7:09 pm
It is so wonderful to read that your days are improving somewhat and you are able to enjoy outdoors, babies, and friends! Take good care my friend. You continue to be in my daily prayers.
March 22nd, 2007 at 8:32 pm
(Back Home)
Katy, How I”d love to jump on a plane and come and join you for a few days in that “glorious weather”! We’ve had a colder than usual March - barely getting out of the 40’s, low to mid=50’s tomorrow, and rain as far as the forecast reaches! But I’M SO GLAD YOU HAVE THE LOVELY WEATHER TO ENJOY, AND THE HEALTH TO ENJOY IT! We sang that “Blessed be your Name” last Sunday at church. You certainly have experienced it all in these last months, especially the pain part. May our dear Lord Jesus give you a long relief and a speedy recovery now from the prednisone and all its side effects.
I hope you’ll tell us all about your new room decor. I re-hung my orchids in their streamer tubes today. I’d put them in the frig while away. I also just bought some daffodils and yellow/white alstromerias to make a bright arrangement for these dark days - “letting a little sunshine in”!
Much love, Aunt Lil
March 22nd, 2007 at 9:23 pm
Hey Katie!
I love the honesty and spunk! We are totally enjoying the weather also! I had the kids outside almost ALL day…we even had a picnic lunch - which was wonderful because I didn’t have to clean up the kitchen afterwards!
I am so glad that you had a good day - filled with blessings! I have a friend similar to Helen and those older ladies are such a joy to know - my friend was teaching me how to knit and she decided that I was perhaps the worst student she had ever had!
I hope tomorrow is as good if not better than today! We continue to pray for you all the time!
Love ya!
March 22nd, 2007 at 9:43 pm
Hey Katy,
It is so wonderful to see and hear that you are having a wonderful day. Right now I am sure that you cherish these moments, as they are what keeps us going. May God continue to be with you during your taper off prednisone, and rest assured I will keep praying for the rest of your journey to not be so tough.
Love and prayers
Karen tillman
March 22nd, 2007 at 11:36 pm
I’m with Karen…dido…..grin! I’m glad to see that you’re blogging again!
March 23rd, 2007 at 4:29 pm
I will try to come see you soon, but school’s keeping me really swamped. I hope you’ll forgive me.
All I can say is YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! This weather is so wonderful–I am thoroughly enjoying it!! I hope it stays good and warm like this for a while. No more cold.
And welcome back!! It’s great to see you posting. Really great!!
Love and prayers,
March 25th, 2007 at 5:07 pm
Dear Katy,
The song you quoted, “Blessed Be Your Name,” was one I was not familiar with until this morning when I sang it in church. It touched me then but even more so as I saw its application in your life (and mine.) I’m glad to hear you are able to be out a little and enjoying this beautiful weather. I am watching my granddaughter 5 days a week. She is now almost 3 months old. Maybe she and Annalise can have a visit one day soon when you and your mom are up to it. Mr. K is in France for the week but will be checking on you through the blog. We pray for you consistently and are so thankful for your faithfulness to the Lord.
Mrs. K