Healing Water
Today, I woke up with intense pain in every part of my body. My arms and legs felt like cement pillars. My body had crashed after the busyness (mostly joys) of this week. So, while I ate my lunch on the sun-lit porch downstairs, Mom prepared my bath soak in the upstairs bathroom. She placed the 21′ storage bin in the bathtub and began filling it with water. I got in when the water was just covering my ankles, but it took about 30 minutes to fill the entire tub. I didn’t mind the water running, because the hot water entering the tub was already “soaking away” my bone pain. Mom had also used some bath aromas of lavender, juniper, and eucalyptus to help detox my body. So not only did the pain I had experienced from morning-on diminish, I also smelled like an English garden! After awhile, Mom returned downstairs to accomplish some other tasks while I remained upstairs to soak. When she did return to check on me- a good 45 minutes later- I was totally pain-free, smiling, and my eyes were closed. I said to Mom, “This is bliss!” while praising the Lord for creative parents.
Tonight, Mom had a Tea here for a ladies’ Bible study class that had just finished their study but wanted a one-last fellowship time together. Some of the women I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time tonight. Other ladies I knew from previous studies or hospital visits. However, the entire class had been praying for Mom and me faithfully at every Bible study meeting. So, it was our delight to host these Christian ladies. They shared their testimonies and the impact of the study on their individual lives. Mom and I shared a bit of what God has been teaching us these past eight months. It was an uplifting evening.
It is now late, but I am going to bed feeling refreshed. I have been healed today by both physical water and the “living water” of God’s Word.
March 15th, 2007 at 11:43 pm
Nothing like a warm bath, and pleasant aromas filling the room to make a person feel brand new. Even if for a little while. I’ve always enjoyed an aromatherapy bath experience. I often add candlelight as well if it is at night as I like to watch the fire flicker, and the shadows dance on the walls. Ok, I know that sounds weird, but I’ve always been a little strange anyway. I pray that tomorrow, or actually later this morning you will wake up to a much better day than yesterday.
Love always
Karen Tillman
March 16th, 2007 at 12:04 am
Hey Katy!
I’m so thrilled you’re up to posting and feeling better. I LOVE those fragrances too - they’re all great ones for relaxation and getting rid of stress. I keep praying that your HPS bowel issues would go into a remission - maybe even before you need more drugs, that everything would just settle down, and that when it does, it stays that way for a nice long time! But, I’m also glad that you’re working with the docs to create a plan of action. And, I’m anxious to hear more about the “Martha” Katy! Ryan calls these moments with me my “Martha moments.”
March 16th, 2007 at 2:45 pm
Katy, Wow! So glad for the pain relief! Those nice hot baths! I don’t take time often to fill our big long tub with jacuzzi water spouts, but when I’m just really exhausted and tense, I do at night, with fragrant bubble bath and I also light a candle, like your friend above, as I love the semi-dark and the candle-light beauty.
I am intensely interested in your bedroom makeover plan! That’s my first love, you know, after the Lord and certain people! That’s what I would have done for a living, I think, had I not been called to be a missionary, which I am sure kept me out of a lot of trouble!
In fact, my living room has just had a real re-vamping for my tropical party for our Seniors, the Royal Heirs from our church. I can’t remember if I told you about it. Tony’s not at all fond of large affairs here, and I just LOVE them, so I have to do some…um…subtle managing and sometimes it works. The leaders of the R Heirs were very interested and after I’d let Tony simmer down from his first vehement “NO”! I let the Social organizer approach him - about a month later… His response was “Well, you’d better talk to her about it”. Wow! I know he’s a man that changes his mind a lot.
It happened yesterday and was FABULOUS. I’ll tell you a little. I made our big round ivory ceramic topped coffee table into an “island”, with a 5 ft palm tree with a darling TY monkey sitting atop, his tail dangling through.
At the base I set the 2 1/2 foot white statue of a little boy holding a flapping duck - very graceful, and packed live yellow and white violas in small dishes covered with spaghnum moss around its base. Then I hung
live ivy strands from under our high deck around the statute, in flower tubes. Put a few Florida sea shells and a coconut in its husk in the left over spaces. On the hearth I put that little traveling “trunk” covered with palm tree designs as my “treasure chest” and had a couple silk scarves and some gold and pearl chains and jewels hanging out and around, along with a lot of dozens of! old coins from many countries I’ve been in, added some gold colored chocolate coins.
There were palm tree hanging s and pictures all around, 2 large parrot/cocatoo birds on mantle and wall, an red anthurium blooming by the fountain. The most special were 8 real, large symbidium orchid blossoms hanging from (artificial) ivy chains with a flower water tube threaded up the ends!!! And its all still there and I wish you could come and see it. The orchids were a God-thing for sure! I bought one stems with 8 perfect large blossoms for $4.00! EXACTLY the number, kind and color I hoped (not quite prayed for!) I had Carribbean steel drum bands playing on CD and the citrus smell of Daphne from our bush in bloom outside, plus rose simmer scent. I have an “orange tree” made from a shortened ficus with white stephanotis blossoms and real small oranges tied in with bows. The orchids hanging around give it such a LUSH, verdant feel! I also made little “ponds” as center pieces for the 6 tables - we had 30 people. The ponds had tiny shells, some strands of spaghnum moss for “seaweed”, a cluster of two of Daphne for scent and a wax frangi-pani floating candle, with sea-blue water - they were matching little glass dishes. And I didn’t buy hardly anything. Much was Florida stuff I have pute away until the next time. I just bought the 2$ ivy chains - 2 cut into eight, the orchids and oranges, paperplates and punch glasses, that’s about it. Maybe that will give you some food for thought for your room. I gotta’ run. Tony has a CT this afternoon to see whether his dreadful spighellian hernia has recurred. Love and prayers, Aunt Lil
March 16th, 2007 at 5:54 pm
Hi, Katy.
What a vivid picture you paint with words! I hope that regaining of strength comes with relief of the pain, and I hope to see much more of your writing skills (I enjoy writing, too).
Cousin Mike
March 16th, 2007 at 6:06 pm
Hello KAty,
I knew our Father would answer all those prayers for you! I am so glad to hear that ou feeling a bit better! We all that you will be able soon to join on Sundays again. We cant wait, so you see the new place where we at
I continue to pray for you and your family.
With Love and Many Blessings to you
March 18th, 2007 at 9:00 pm
I’m praying for your strength through this new week–hopefully a week free of bone pain!!
I LOVE hot baths…it’s so wonderful to soak all your cares away.
Love and prayers,