Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday's Wrap-Up

Hello! Recently, the days have been jam packed and thus my blog posting has slowed down. I've had other priorities. However, I do think of at least one topic to write about everyday, even if I don't actually post my thoughts. This week in particular, we've had something going on every evening. In fact, I just got home from Bible study. Tonight, I was reminded (again!) of how much the Lord orchestrates our lives. I also learned about reversal of destiny, chiastic structure, and peripety. (Those are fun words to say aloud!)

Lord willing, I have an exciting event taking place on Saturday. I have a very special friend from Michigan coming to visit. We've had this event on the calendar for sometime now, but I was waiting until my friend wrote about it on her blog before I announced the plans here. Sandy will be attending a conference in Washington, D.C. next week, but first she is making a detour to our area of Virginia.

While Sandy does not have HPS, she does have another rare blood disorder and an endocrine disorder, so she knows first-hand what it's like to live with a chronic illness. She does not let the diseases stop her, though. With her strength and hope anchored in the Lord, Sandy lives life with perserverance, spunk, and joy! One of my favorite things about Sandy is her ability to write. She is a faithful blog poster, so I encourage you to visit her website. Please pray that she (and her mom) make it to our home safely and that our time together will be full of wonderful memory-making. I promise to take pictures!