Things are going well. My health has been "stable" the last few days, which is a blessing. I'm amazed at the strength God gives me at six o'clock in the morning. I like seeing the sunrise and tip toeing around the house (so Mom and Qavah don't wake up). There is a special "newness" and peacefulness in the atmosphere at that hour of the morning, similar to holding a newborn baby.
Work was fun today. Nothing exceptionally new or exciting happened, but it was a joy to be there nonetheless. Tonight after supper, I watched Goodnight Mister Tom with the family. I've seen the movie before, but it's been awhile. I had forgotten just how many scenes make me cry! The movie depicts well the sacrifices and hardships families (in particular children) experienced during World War II. Goodnight Mister Tom is a wholesome movie that I recommend.

Tomorrow, I have one more day at work before the "weekend" begins. Friday, I have a Dexa-scan at nine o'clock a.m. to determine how much, if any, the Boniva treatments have healed my Osteoporosis. I'm not supposed to eat or drink anything containing calcium for the twenty-four hour period prior to the scan, so that begins tomorrow morning. Please pray that I do not have any trouble with my electrolytes. I don't foresee any issues or side-effects from the Dexa-scan, but I know from experience how my body likes to "act up" at unexpected times.