Tonight, I have a very intense headache. So, I've been staring at the computer screen for the last five minutes thinking that I'd write a post. Maybe it was longer than five minutes. Do you ever click the mouse button to visit a website and, in the time it takes to load, you discover that you've fallen asleep? That is what just happened to me. Please pray that I can get through the majority of this week before needing a Remicade transfusion.
Thankfully, my fever blister is healing. I have some new "medicine" I'm going to start using tonight to see if it will speed the healing process of my mouth sores. I really should have the fever blister better healed before having the Remicade infusion, but I may not have a choice either way. Thank you for the prayers. Please know that if I'm awake at all during the night in the next few days, I will use the time to pray for my friends, family, and readers of this website.
Thankfully, my fever blister is healing. I have some new "medicine" I'm going to start using tonight to see if it will speed the healing process of my mouth sores. I really should have the fever blister better healed before having the Remicade infusion, but I may not have a choice either way. Thank you for the prayers. Please know that if I'm awake at all during the night in the next few days, I will use the time to pray for my friends, family, and readers of this website.