Sunday, December 28, 2008


I'm sad to see the weekend finish. It's been a wonderful holiday season, even with the medical issues. In some ways, the recent flare ups and pain I've experienced made the Christmas season even more special than if I had been completely healthy. Every individual event I was able to participate in was a time to praise the Lord, shout for joy, and capture the moments in my heart.

At the very beginning of December, I received a Musicmakers catalog in the mail. The front cover quickly caught my attention, because it reminded me of a Norman Rockwell painting. Over the last several weeks, I have looked at the picture many times. As Christmas approached, I would glance at the magazine cover and pray that my holiday would be similar. I longed for the simplistic, family-cenetered celebration the children were experiencing in the picture.

Tonight, I am in awe of God's goodness as I recall this year's Christmas celebrations. I can state with confidence that this December was better than the Victorian image engraved in my mind at the beginning of this month. While there were sorrows, there were also many more days filled with laughter and excitement. The Lord "out did Himself" with the blessings... Hallelujah!