Friday, November 14, 2008


Even though it's only nine o'clock, it might as well be midnight. I'm exhausted tonight and I don't want to overdo it. I don't want to get sick. Mom, Qavah, Paul Burton, and me spent the afternoon shopping and running errands.

We went to Target and I got some things for work. I also got a new lamp shade for my nightstand light. It's purple and has dangled beads on it. I came home and tried it out right away. I love it! How absolutely wonderful to find a purple lamp shade that's not too trendy, but elegant and adds a bit of whimsy to my nightstand. None of you might think it a big deal or a real joy, but I do. It makes me smile. The only thing I didn't find from my list at Target were boots.

I'm needing to backup my files. I have 23gb worth of pictures on my computer. problem is I have no idea of how to get as many pictures as possible unto a cd. Colin suggested making a data dvd, so I'm going to try that. The memory stick I have is only 1gb, so that won't work. If any of you computer pros have ideas, please share them!