I was a political science major in college. I have to assist with this year's November fourth elections. It would just be wrong if I didn't get involved! So, a couple of weeks ago, I attended the local Botetourt Republican Committee's "Moose" (ham for real) dinner. This fundraiser had so many attendees that the BRC had to turn some people away, because it was held in the local middle school cafeteria (i.e. fire codes, etc). I sat at the table with the woman delegate from Virignia who had of course attended the Republican National Convention. It was neat to get her "inside" stories on the RNC events and platforms.
The keynote speaker was Mr. Ken Cuccinelli, the only conservative state senator in Northern Virginia (NOVA). He represents the thirty-seventh senatorial district. Senator Cuccinelli is also pro-life, a dedicated Christian, husband , and father of six young children:
The children below - from youngest to oldest - recited from memory and in unison the Gettysburg Address and U.S. Presidents (Washington to "John McCain). Don't they look cute?
On The Issues is a website that provides "non-partisan information for voters in the Presidential election, so that votes can be based on issues rather than on personalities and popularity". There are other news and political websites out there I like to visit regularly (Rush Limbaugh, NewsMax, OneNewsNow, FoxNews, etc.), but I do recommend OnTheIssues for a quick, concise, easy to understand summary of the Presidential candidates.