Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Senior Thesis: Published

This week has been routine thus far and that's the way I prefer it! Yesterday, I had the pleasure of going shopping with my friend Aleah. Today, I rested for most of the day, because the Methotrexate dose made me feel "blah". It's amazing how the very drug that makes me feel sick one day a week keeps my cells functioning the other six days of the week. Tomorrow, I have an appointment with the wound care doctor. The appointment is at 7:45 AM..."beggars can't be choosers," I guess! Then, I have a voice lesson at 3:00 PM. Friday, I have a doctor's appointment with the hematologist; I always look forward to those visits.

For those of you who keep asking me, I have finally published my senior thesis! Click on the pink text below to read the research paper. The formatting is slightly different than the official copy I sent to my instructors. Google Docs did something strange to the formatting and it took me awhile to make it even readable. There are five chapters. Thank you to my family and friends who helped me edit my thesis. Thanks to the rest of you who prayed for and encouraged me along this journey. I'm so grateful to be finished, but it was an enjoyable learning process. And yes, Jess, I should update the About Kathryn post!

Last week, I received some graduation-related scrapbooking items from a dear friend. That was the motivation I needed to make a graduation scrapbook. I didn't even have the idea before receiving the stickers and paper. However, I have pictures from Graduation 2004, my harp, writing the senior thesis, and Graduation 2008. What fun!