Friday, February 8, 2008

Pick Your Candidate

It is 5:45 AM on Friday morning and I can't sleep. I've had pain off and on throughout the night, so unfortunately Mom has woken up several times to balance my electrolytes and give me pain medication. She gave me my morning dose of Prednisone early, so while she's sleeping again, I'm awake. Thus, I decided to get up and begin adding more archived posts to the Campbell Family Journal website.

In other news, below is a link to an online "Pick Your Candidate" questionnaire that Colin sent me. If you answer the questions, then it will tell you how well you match up with each Presidential nominee. Based on my results, I got: 64% for Romney, 51% for Huckabee, 16% for McCain, -20% for Clinton, and -26 for Obama. All selections are optional, so you don't have to go through the whole list in order to get results from the questionnaire. A few of the questions, I thought, were not written objectively, but overall the survey was informative and worth my time. Just a reminder that Virginia votes this upcoming Tuesday (February 12) in the Presidential primaries.

Click on the following pink text to visit website: "Pick Your Candidate" Questionnaire"


  1. I'm sorry that you had a tough night. I know something of what it is to frequently fail to get a good night's sleep, although I don't have your pain issues.

    I took did the questionaire, and here are the highlights of my results:

    83% Hunter (no surprise)
    80% Tancredo (ditto; pity these first two are out)
    76% Romney (Say what?! Not me!)
    58% Huckabee (lesser evil, in my opinion)
    34% McCain (He'll probably be nominated, which means I'm writing in Alan Keys)
    26% Giuliani (another RINO (Republican In Name Only) like McCain (and to a lesser degree, Romney and Huckabee))
    4% Paul
    -45% Clinton (I'd say -99.9% would be more accurate)
    -52% Obama
    And just for the fun of it:
    -95% Kucinich

    I note that Fred Thompson wasn't mentioned, even though Hunter and Tancredo dropped out before he did.

    Anyway, I'll still vote in the primary just to make the point to the G.O.P. my dislike for the biggest RINO.

    I hope your day is better than the night was. I just got the calender yesterday; thank you! I wish someone like him were running...



  2. Hey kathryn, I am so thanful we have computers now. When I was young, I can remember just staring at the ceiling or watching TV. Both I find rather boring at times. As we didn't even have the option of renting movies!!! GRIN Hope your day is going better than the night.
    Karen Tillman
