Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary!
“Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. Happy is the man who has [a] quiver full of them; They shall not be ashamed, but shall speak with the enemies in the gate.” -Psalm 127:4-5
Last week, I reinstalled a photo program associated with Google called Picasa2. Since then, I’ve been playing around with the web albums feature. I cannot guarantee all of the kinks are fixed, but hopefully the albums will work this time.
On Sunday, November 25, my niece Annelise celebrated her first Birthday. So, I decided to have my album experiment be a photo collage of the first year of her life here in Virginia. Click on the link below to watch the slide show. You can also manually scroll through the pictures. I’ve also included this album under my Photo page.
A Year in the Life of: Annelise Katherine Campbell
This past Friday, my grandparents celebrated their wedding anniversary (Paul and Lucile Campbell). I remember last year, we wondered if Annelise would be born on their 60th wedding anniversary, since that date was near Jenn’s original due date. Instead, Annelise arrived early enough that she could “visit” with her great-grandparents when they came to Roanoke for their anniversary celebration a few days after her birth.
December 4th, 2007 at 10:01 am
I guess I’ll have to re-add my comment about running across an old Christmas letter from Paul and Lucile. It was from the year Savannah was 5. In it was the statement “Lucile misses babies.” Now she has another baby to lavish love on, and quite close at hand, too.
December 5th, 2007 at 7:40 am
The pics of annelise are adorable. ttyl hope you feel better soon
December 5th, 2007 at 9:57 am
Lois and George were married 3 days before Paul and Lucile, 1 day before her birthday. She once told Mom, “Don’t you dare let me get married one day before my 22nd birthday.” And that was exactly what she did - get married one day before her 22nd birthday. She was married secretly, because married students were not allowed where she was going to school (Seattle Pacific). I don’t know if it was the entire college, or just her department (nursing). But she missed George so much (he was in Michigan) that she finally confessed to her superior, and quit school and went to be with him.
December 6th, 2007 at 3:36 pm
Hi Katy,
Boy, those babies seem to grow so fast don’t they? Everytime I see baby pictures it makes me remember when Holly was born, and it seems like yesterday. And now, m baby is off to college, trying to make a life in this big world!!!
Love and prayers,
Karen Tillman