Remicade Day
Today’s Remicade treatment was successful! This morning, it was a struggle to eat breakfast. The pain made me cry. However, three hours into the treatment this afternoon, I was eating a bagel and cream cheese from the hospital cafeteria. Tonight, I had noodles and Mexican wrap for dinner. I do not understand how the Remicade works in my body, but I am so thankful it does. I’m thankful my body can tolerate the procedure.
There was a mix-up with the doctor’s orders, so we had to wait two hours before the nurse could even start the Remicade procedure. Mom, Qavah, and I made the most of the time. Of course, I got my pedicure. Qavah enjoyed looking at magazines and taking short walks with Mom. She even got to see her transfusion doctor. Paul Burton also visited us; he had Qavah giggling within minutes. Around 4:00pm, Dad came over to the hospital. Mom took Qavah home, while Dad stayed with me. He read me a chapter I had to complete for my Mass Media Law class. We had a great time together with the conversation being downright fun and lively (at least I thought so- the nurse didn’t think the subject matter sounded very interesting)!
September 24th, 2007 at 8:39 pm
Was thinking of you when I woke up this morning, and thanking God that your Remicade day had come to relieve your suffering at last!
You and your sissy are so cute together.:-)
September 24th, 2007 at 8:50 pm
Katy, I think we all heave a great sigh of relief when your Remicaide med kicks in and you can eat and feel like a human being again. Thank God that He designed this world with things that make the medicines we need! And the world is full of them, many yet to be discovered, I’m sure. I hope they find some new things trying to give you and Quavah relief. I believe God reveals these things to scientists who are intensely searching for answers.
I’m hoping that the lice problem is soon behind you, too! Oh, dear. I’m reminded of once when your Uncle Tommy - a guy with a really comical tongue at times, got some chicken lice in his hair after cleaning the chicken coop. He said that it felt like the lice would stand on their hind legs and wiggle a hair - a dreadfully ticklish sensation! I guess its better to laugh about it than to cry! May the Good Lord deliver you all! Love, Aunt Lil
September 24th, 2007 at 10:01 pm
Glad to see you held it together, and am so glad that you can eat again for awhile anyway!!! Nothing like being on prednisone and not being able to EAT!!!! UGH!!! You guys are just to cute.
Love and payers always
Karen Tillman
September 25th, 2007 at 11:56 am
Hey Katy!
She is such an encouragement to me!
I love the pictures - thank you for being so faithful to update and let us all know what’s going on! I’m so glad that the remicade has kicked in - it’s such a huge blessing - I agree with Aunt Lil - I think we all heave a sigh of relief when we know that Remicade Day has arrived and done it’s work. I ran into your mom yesterday at Food Lion - it’s always so fun to bump into someone especially when you get to have an update early!
We love ya’ll!
October 10th, 2007 at 5:48 pm
So glad to hear your doing better!!
November 14th, 2007 at 8:01 pm
Hey Katy! Thanks for your prayers! hope you are doing ok!