Miracles Abound Everywhere
I’m about to go to bed, but it feels oh-so-good to be home! Our home is filled with peace tonight. Even unspeakable peace…it’s just powerful and all-consuming. We can feel the Lord’s presence here and how different it is tonight than Wednesday and Thursday. Dad, Mom and I just finished a time of raising our voices in praise for all the Lord has done this week.
We got home around 3:00pm and this evening has been one of those times I want to pinch myself to see if it’s all real. Mom cleaned the house last night, so everything feels fresh and lovely. She even washed my sheets! I read to Qavah tonight while she was taking her bath. She was filled with compassion at the hospital today and joy tonight in being home playing with me. I just scarfed down a warm sunny-bun filled with blueberry cream cheese that Mom has dubbed the Shenandoah Valley Donut (incidentally, I enjoyed a Bavarian cream donut last night at the hospital when Dad got donuts as a treat). I do have to say Mom’s snack is delicious and really does taste like something you’d find at Dunkin’ Donuts or Krispy Kreme. Be sure to visit our Campbell Cafe for a sample.
Every time we go to the hospital, the Lord always gives us an opportunity to minister to someone or be ministered by someone. The nurses last night on the Oncology and Hematology floor were excellent. They were quiet, but attentive (Rehab 3). They also remembered and were overjoyed to see Paul Burton, since he used to work on that unit. In the course of our talking together with two of the nurses, Mom said “Well, all things do work together for good”. One of the nurses piped up, replying, “Yes it does when you believe Romans 8:28″! We were able to have a meaningful and blessed prayer time with this nurse before she ended her shift. These are the events and “small miracles” from the Lord that keep me going when the physical pain becomes unbearable.
Below is a picture I took the other night of a sunset. It’s not the most amazing picture, but the peace I feel tonight is displayed in this photo.
September 14th, 2007 at 9:48 pm
There’s nothing like being back in your own bed & clean sheets are the best. You know, there are probably millions of blogs out there, some not worth 2 cents, but yours is fantastic. I can’td go to bed at night until I’ve checked for a new post. Wouldn’t it be great to also read the stories of those whose lives hae been blessed by your story? Perhaps in Heaven we will.
September 15th, 2007 at 6:55 am
Welcome home Katy
Love and prayers,
September 15th, 2007 at 1:00 pm
I am so glad that you are feeling better, and pray that God will continue to give you wisdom durig this time of transition with doctors. Btw…I love the picture that you took!!
Take care and again glad you are doing soooo well.
Karen Tillman
September 15th, 2007 at 7:03 pm
Dearest Katy - how wonderful to read that you were experiencing that “peace of God that passes all understanding” when you got home! How well I know that peace, that comes after a great trial, and sometimes, by God’s amazing grace, right in the middle of one… I don’t know how people live without Him. Your sunset of peace is lovely. It reminds me of a slide I have from Zaire, high on the mountain top close to the “Heidi cabin”. (I am now in my friend Helen’s home, in Idaho. It was she and husband Al who took me up there and retrieved me) I got a few rare relief days when another missionary nurse came to help. It was when we were still having some cholera cases and many others things, and no doctor… It was heaven to be there alone, above many of the clouds, and I took a blanket out to a grassy field. Lying there in the sunny warmth, I took a picture of a blue sky with fluffy clouds, the lush grass and a single large perfect brilliant red “paint=brush” stalk in the middle. I call the picture “Serenity”. That is the feeling in your home.
I am so glad you are better, and home - I’d read the blog here yesterday and we talked and prayed for you. Love, Aunt Lil
Love, Aunt Lil