Eternal Perspectives
I was telling a friend today that there is so much I want to share on this Blog, but I’m often too exhausted to or just don’t have the correct words. I concluded by saying how thankful I am that, in Heaven, Christians will have all of the time they need to share what the Lord has done for and through them.
“Oh, how sweet is a harbor after a long storm, and a sunshiny day after a dark and tempestuous night, and a warm spring after a sharp winter! The miseries and difficulties that a man meets with in this world, will exceedingly sweeten the glory of that other world.” -From the book Smooth Stones. (Thank you, Jennifer B., for the quote.)
The theme for today seems to be “Having an eternal perspective”. This morning, I read the quote above. Then, this afternoon my friend and I finished the Bible study Walking By Faith (Jennifer Rothschild). The last week’s lesson was on “waiting with an eternal perspective”. Rothschild- who has been blind since 15 years of age- made the point that sometimes God does not “heal” our desires, because He wants us to long for Heaven. If He answered all of our desires than we would most likely not look forward to Heaven as much as we do or ought to.
It has been over a year since I first entered the hospital, thinking I “only” had Appendicitis. The Lord has humbled me in every way and it was needed. He has shown me His ways. Sweet moments have come out of every hard event. After a year of this HPS rollercoaster, I can emphatically state that the Lord’s grace is indeed sufficient. However, one of the lessons I have learned and experienced the most is the one of keeping an Eternal perspective.
Everyone has sorrow and heartache- if not presently surely in the past and/or future. Sometimes in the hospital, Mom and I came across other people with worse sorrows than mine. Right now, I’m following several websites of children with cancer. My heart aches for their family and friends. The question for us as Christians is, “How will I view these sorrows and will I let God display His glory through them?” In answering that question myself, I’m more able to live it out correctly if I keep an Eternal perspective, knowing that my “light and momentary troubles” are “achieving an eternal glory”, by God’s grace (2 Cor. 4:16-18).
My heart longs for Heaven. I know the Lord has more for me to do here, so I will learn to wait contently. However, I do agree with the quote above. For me, the “miseries and difficulties” of this world do make the realities of Heaven sweeter.
July 28th, 2007 at 8:22 pm
Dearest Katy,
“The miseries and difficulties that a man meets with in this world, will exceedingly sweeten the glory of that other world” - that is a wonderful quote and how true it is! You have shown this attitude throughout this entire struggle and it has been such a blessing to those of us around you. You have given credit to Him and thanked Him for the trials even though some days have been exceedingly difficult, and that’s putting it lightly! Thank you for your sweet spirit and never-ending encouragement. I am so thankful to be able to call you my sister in Christ. My family and I have prayed daily for you to feel His presence and that His healing hand would strengthen and encourage you. Thank you again for the blessing. I look forward to spending some time with you when you are stronger. Let me know when you feel up to it.
In His love,
July 28th, 2007 at 9:38 pm
I’m in awe about how the Lord works in your life. I do pray that you will have many pain free days ahead. I know you are so excited about your little sister arriving. I hope it will be a joyous occasion when she joins your family. You have much to share with her.
July 28th, 2007 at 11:12 pm
It’s so good to see you posting again and it was great to talk to you earlier. I’m glad you’re doing better. I will pray that it continues and that you will remain in good health when your sister comes. It’s so exciting!
Love and prayers,
August 7th, 2007 at 2:26 pm
That is so wild what you mom said last week! God is so good and we are very excited about this blessing #4!