Busy as Bees
I saw a bee the other day when I went outside to examine our ever-growing flowers. He was so busy buzzing around me. This week, I felt like that bee, buzzing around the house and Roanoke. It’s been a whirlwind of a week, but the days have been filled with God’s mercy, goodness, and answered prayers. The beginning of the week was hard, because of the Prednisone taper experiment- a venture that went awry from the beginning. Now I know that I cannot taper without first having another drug in place, but I didn’t realize that last Saturday when I decided to taper. It’s frustrating to feel “stuck” on a drug that I know is not really good for my body, but the alternative is worse. Much worse. I was in bed with a total HPS flare up for five days. It’s awful to have everything from head to toe inflamed. My ears close up, so I can’t hear and even my eyes hurt, so I can’t read. I utilized the HPS “support group” this week and found it to be encouraging. While I don’t wish HPS on anyone, I am thankful I’m not alone.
Last Sunday night, we had some friends arrive for a week-long visit. The husband was doing a project with my Dad’s business. It’s always neat to show visitors the sites and sounds of the Roanoke Valley. It felt good to have company in our home again! I always enjoy hearing people’s life stories and what God is doing for them.
The Thursday doctor visit was definitely a highlight of this week! I have never felt more hopeful after leaving a doctor’s office than I did that day. Now, I trust and pray this doctor will follow through with everything we discussed. I do have to say that my arms look pretty beat-up, though. I had labs drawn at Wednesday’s appointment and then again on Thursday. Fortunately, I still have about four weeks before my next Remicade treatment. My arms will be recovered in time to be poked again.
Yesterday, Mom and I shopped at one of my favorite stores: Goodwill. We found some deals for both of us and Qavah. I like coming home from shopping trips and showing Dad what we bought. When I was little, I used to pretend I was putting on a fashion show for him. He always admired my choices. I’m grateful to have parents who are interested in my delights, hobbies, and adventures.
Today, Mom and I shopped again, but this time it was for a Qavah. Her 4th Birthday is July 18, so we wanted to get a package in the mail right away. Also this week, I began corresponding with Qavah’s oldest foster sister. That has been fun. I look forward to developing a friendship with her.
That about sums up this week. I have five books in my nightstand that are begging to be read, so I’m going to go now. I’m praying I’ll be able to attend Church tomorrow. Then, maybe tomorrow night Dad and I will play a board game. We said we wanted to do a game together this weekend, but the hours have flown by. I’ll be sure to win!
July 14th, 2007 at 9:33 pm
I am with you Katy, HPS is no fun, but I am truly thankful for our small circle of HPS support. I know I don’t know where I would be without them. Probably stil misdiagnosed.
Love always
Karen Tillman
July 14th, 2007 at 11:27 pm
Katy, I just read your Mom’s encouraging posts of the last two days. I feel so happy when you are having good days! God is good all the time, but it hurts to see you suffer. What a wonderful answer to prayer your new doctor is and will be! From what your Mom shared, he must be a very wise man, AND a godly man! Bless you for sharing with him how God has worked in your life through your suffering! As I have told you before, I get a spirit boost everytime I visit your blog. You and your family will continue to be in my prayers. Thank you for blessing so many with your testimony of faith in life’s good and bad times. I can truthfully thank God for the trials in my life, for that is when my faith has become stronger. He is our refuge and strength, everything we need, He is!!
Much love in Him, Martha Harrison
July 15th, 2007 at 8:27 am
Katy, I’ve been looking for an opportunity to post this, and when I saw your comment about the bee- okay, it’s a tenuous connection, but oh well…
Anyway, a few weeks ago, I was right here at the computer, and the window immediately to my left (along the back of the house) was open (but there’s a screen). I heard the sound of an animal coming along the back of the house. My first thought was raccoon. But a snout came into view, and my next thought was “I thought the dog was inside (she was).” I immediately realized that the snout was black, and for a split second I thought it was someone else’s dog. But no.
It was a small black bear.
He was so close that I could have spat on him if the screen weren’t in the window (not that I would have tried!). He was just meandering along, oblivious of me, and no doubt keeping a lazy eye out for food. If I’d been quicker on the uptake, I might have taken a picture before he was out of the yard. Anyway, it was an interesting departure from the routine!
Cousin Mike
July 15th, 2007 at 8:29 am
HI Katie, wow a good day..I am soo happy for you..you deserve only good days…………
I am enjoying our flowers too..our daylilies are blooming along with some black eyed susans. I LOVE my flowers…somehow they come back every year and I am sad if we travel and I miss them.
we were in New York this week and saw two broadway shows. Curtains and Jersey Boys. Both were fabulous. We walked around China town and Little Italy. A busy few days.
Happy Birthday to your little sister. JT was four when he came home from Korea. love to all, Linda
July 23rd, 2007 at 4:20 pm
I’m glad you found the HPS group useful. Sometimes I get so frustrated that we can’t offer more - but honestly, I don’t know where I’d be without all of my HPS friends. Many of them have been at this “HPS” thing much longer than I have, and they always have wisdom to share because many of them have “been there.”