A Personal Visit
Today is already another blessed day and it’s not even noon yet! I woke up feeling rested and refreshed. The Remicade is keeping my health stable. This is the first time I’ve been able to bounce back from a flare-up without having my body go into shock mode. I’m so grateful. I know it’s the prayers from faithful friends and God’s merciful hand.
Last week I told Mom, “Queen Elizabeth is coming to Virginia to commemorate Jamestown’s 400th anniversary. I wish I could go see her. After all, I’m a political science (and history) student!” I then went on to explain how the local news had a story about the etiquette of meeting the Queen. It is no longer necessary to bow or curtsy, but only to shake the Queen’s hand if she extends her hand first. I could tell the wheels in Mom’s brain were turning. After a moment she replied, “While it is neat that Queen Elizabeth is visiting, you’ve had the King of Kings meet you, give you individual directions, and you didn’t have to drive 4 hours to meet him or wait for an invitation.” Mom made a wonderful point that put everything in its proper perspective.
May 10th, 2007 at 5:00 pm
I am so glad to read that you a bit better
And isnt your Mom right about the Queen and the King of Kings.
He met You, he came to YOU, He showed YOU His Kingdom (well part of it), he did more than just extend His hand to YOU! He loves you soooo much.
I too was a bit dissapointed when I saw that she came to VA but still to far away to go to see her, and than you drive all that way and still cant see her, you know. When I was living in Germany and brought up there, we are a bit fanatic about royalty not only with the House of Windsor also about the little country of Monaco and Prince Reinier and Grace Kelly and their Kids as well as the Queen and King of Sweden and their Kids. Especially since the Queen of Sweden is a German Lady from Heidelberg which is about 25 minutes away from Mannheim the city I am from.
So, I have to say I am a bit fanatic about royalties.
Oh my when Princess Diana died, I was on the TV for days on end watching CNN, there excisted no other channel or any other tv show for me. Just the Princess
But now since I have found the King of Kings, I am not that whatchamacallit??? Infatuated???? With all those people!
I just try to live as good as I can for Him, Him who loves us unconditionally, where we dont have to wait if HE extends His hand. We just go after Him and grab it.
I love you Katy and your beautiful Family
Love always
May 10th, 2007 at 5:45 pm
I thought for a moment you were going to say the Queen came and visited you!!
Your mom is so wise… and her words are true. And let me tell you, as an outsider, hearing about a visit from our Lord is much more inspiring than the Queen could ever be! Glad to hear today started out well! ~Aleah
May 10th, 2007 at 9:19 pm
I’m hoping that when/if I become a mom, I will have inherited that gene!! Along with the “eyes in the back of her head” gene.
Mom’s are really good at that kind of thing.
Glad your day was good!
Love and prayers,
May 11th, 2007 at 11:02 am
I also thought you were going to say that you meet the Queen!
I am glad to hear that you are doing better, it is an answer to prayer.
I can’t wait!!!
We need to get together and do some scrapbooking! I am getting so excited about starting!
May 11th, 2007 at 2:35 pm
Howdy, I’m glad to hear your able to eat subway, eventhough it is just vegetables. How can I be praying for you? Physical healing, a large measure of faith and spiritual strength? Hope to see you this summer.