Monday Night
There are some nights that I sit down at the computer to write and the words come to my mind quicker than I can type. Then, there are other nights when I just don’t feel “inspired” to write anything meaningful. This is such a night. Tonight, I am finding more inspiration reading others’ blogs than trying to write something myself. However, I wanted to thank you again for the prayers. I had a wonderful weekend and the “step down” process is going better than I expected.
Anybody who tried to mail something today would have realized that it was a Federal holiday (President’s Day). Like the Presidents, (previous ones and those who have yet to lead) we too will leave a legacy for others. The second definition of “legacy” from Merriam-Webster states, “something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past”.
Before reading this definition, I always thought of “leaving a legacy” in the past tense, as often pertaining to someone who recently died and the life they lived. However, I just had a new thought; “from the past,” could mean as recently as yesterday. Therefore, “leaving a legacy” doesn’t just begin when we’re dead. Instead, “leaving a legacy” is on-going, very much alive, and occurs each time the second hand ticks to a new time. In light of this thought, below is Psalm 78:4-7 which discusses the recipe and outcome of having a Godly legacy:
“We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done. He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which he commanded our forefathers to teach their children so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands.“
February 20th, 2007 at 8:23 am
Katy, inspiration must have been hiding in the corner of your mind and popped out to say “hello” in your post. You inspired me! Love, Mom
February 20th, 2007 at 9:49 am
Hi, Katy.
I know what you’re talking about with the flood and drought of writing inspiration. I have to admit that many (most?!) of my dry spells are measured in weeks rather than days (at least in regard to my fiction writing)! And the droughts seem to outnumber the floods… I hope you have many a flood (not literally!). Sincerely, Cousin Mike
February 20th, 2007 at 4:00 pm
Katy, what a fresh idea about legacy. I think that makes all of our activities, habits, endeavors worth savoring as we consider that they are not mundane or in vain. I’m praying for you & just so you know, you’ve left quite a legacy already.
February 21st, 2007 at 1:05 am
Katy, This time I could see the pictures of the Valentine Party! Beautiful! I LOVE doing things like that, too. I need to get a scanner so I can send you pictures of some of my events with my 4 place table setting or ruby red dishes on white or cream tablecloth with red roses (in summer) carnations or poinsettias in winter - and my gold flatware that came with marrying Tony. The ruby red dishes are an eclectic mix of styles. My friend Helen and I have collected them across several years. When I have my home in St. Pete, We’ll celebrate with a lucheon and use them!
And if that bit above is what you can do on a “dry” day, wow! a “wet” day must be profound over my head!
Love you, Aunt Lil
February 21st, 2007 at 1:07 am
P.S. I’ll use red bougainvillea with them! Dreams are wonderful! Especially those with a promise in them.
) Aunt Lil
February 24th, 2007 at 5:17 pm
Well, it me again, Katy. I’ve been playing the piano and thinking of you - and your mother. I don’t play very well, but I love the old hymns and play them to the Lord. I was singing along until I got so blessed (When we all get to heaven - “Just one glimpse of HIM IN GLORY!”)I couldn’t sing and just cried. But I just finished with this powerful hymn - and that made me especially think of you. I don’t know if you know it; if not, you need to get someone to play it for you on a piano, and really beats out the powerful bass notes: It is called MY ANCHOR HOLDS The music is dramatic and powerful.
Tho the angry surges roll on my tempest-driven soul
I am peaceful for I know, wildly though the winds may blow
I’ve an anchor safe and sure that will EVERMORE endure!
Chorus: And it holds, my anchor holds! Blow your wildest, then, O gale,
On my bark so small and frail (that’s you): BY HIS GRACE I SHALL NOT FAIL, for my anchor holds, MY ANCHOR HOLDS.
Mighty tides about me sweep, perils lurk within the deep
Andgry clouds o’ershade the sky, and the tempest rises high;
STILL I STAND the tempest’s shock,
I can feel the anchor fast as I meet each sudden blast,
And the cable, though unseen, bears the heavy strain between;
Through the storm I SAFELY RIDE, till the turning of the tide. (Chorus)
Troubles almost ‘whem the soul; griefs like billows o’er me roll;
Tempters seek to lure astray; storms obscure the light of day:
I see that faith, confidence and holding on in you, Katy. May you feel the anchor gripping the Rock, Christ Jesus, today.
Love, Aunt Lil
And it holds, MY ANCHOR HOLDS!!!