I apologize to those people whom I've emailed the last few days. I really do know how to use my spell checker! However, my large print keyboard decided to stop working on Sunday night. This has happened in the past and usually it starts to work within a few hours, so I decided to wait. Well, after two days of the letters missing in action, I switched keyboards. This is also why I haven't updated this website until today. As my friend said today, computers are wonderful when they work. Thankfully, it wasn't anything more serious than climbing under the desk and switching out the wires.
On a happier note, I am now officially finished with my Senior Seminar aka senior thesis! I had my phone "presentation" today. I talked with my instructor for forty-five minutes. I actually enjoyed our conversation, because she asked me some really good, critical thinking questions. Toward the end of the phone call, she gave me a chance to ask her some questions. I asked her to recommend what I should write on a resume cover letter. She said I should emphasize that my degree was a classical, liberal arts degree that taught critical thinking, research skills, writing, evaluating, policy making, and teaching. She said that people need to realize that I can do more with my degree than just work in some bureaucratic government office (which I might do, too). My instructor also said how pleased she was with how I involved my family and friends, because "it's one thing to have knowledge, but if you can't teach it, use it, or help others with what you know, than it's not worthwhile". Finally, she commented that my thesis compared "favorably" with past research papers. I was especially thankful with that remark, because it was a challenge to write a research paper distance learning without having the ability to review previous theses, which other distance learning and residential students typically do. I give God the glory for how well this paper was written, for having the mental capability to research, and for having the strength to finish my degree! I really have loved my education at Mary Baldwin College and I look forward to how God is going to use everything I've learned.
I wrote in my previous post that I had an exciting Easter weekend. I finally uploaded my pictures, so now I can tell you why. My grandparents arrived on Friday night for an overnight visit. They brought my harp with them! To my surprise, they had already placed the strings on the harp, so it was ready for me to play. After building a harp, the musician needs to tune it three times a day for a month until everything settles, so I was not able to keep the harp with this visit. Although I miss the harp now, that fact didn't take away from the enjoyment of seeing it and playing it for the first time! The harp is absolutely beautiful; the wood is rich, honey color. My grandparents really took their time and paid careful attention to details when building the harp. Thus, it's more than an instrument. I told Mom that the harp is a show piece, because the craftsmanship on it was done so well. Thank you, Granddaddy and Grandmom! Below are some pictures: