Sister Preparation
I have been wanting for weeks to post about my new sister, but I had to wait until our immediate family and grandparents found out first. You know all of that spring cleaning, decorating, and shopping Mom and I have been doing for the past two months? Well, there really was a “method” to our madness! We had to rearrange several rooms to make space in another bedroom for Qavah’s things. Mom and I also shopped and prepared the little girl “essentials”; toddler bed, baby doll with outfits, adorable size 3 and 4 feminine clothes, and child-friendly books. I also helped Mom clean the toys I used while growing up.
The Lord has given me such hope with Qavah’s adoption. There have been days in the past weeks where I was on strong pain killers and could barely get out of bed and yet, the Lord gave me the strength to get ready for my new sister. There were times I felt His leading to prepare for Qavah so strongly, even though I was weak or tired physically. Some days, when I wanted to hide under the covers or go to Heaven, the thought of Qavah’s adoption literally kept my spirit alive and “living” on this Earth instead of pining away for Heaven (when it was clearly not my time to go meet Him). Qavah has already brought much joy to my life, even before I’ve met her.
Now, our home is ready for Qavah and I’m trying to wait patiently until the day Mom and Dad bring her home. Throughout this entire adoption process, I have been thinking of my own adoption and how it relates to Qavah’s. The Lord chose this home for both of us before the foundations of the earth. He has given us parents who call Him by name, live by His precepts, and then teach His Word to future generations. He has given us family and friends who do not view biological children verses adopted children negatively or differently.
The Lord has also given Qavah and I similar health issues that most siblings do not share together. Some families have one child with special needs. However, Qavah and I both have rare genetic disorders that require daily monitoring, frequent hospital visits, digestive problems, and diet changes. She’ll see me get my Remicade infusion and I’ll stay with her while she gets her blood transfusion. I am blessed to have parents who, for years, have supported me and researched my many health challenges. However, little Qavah has not had these benefits in her short life. While Qavah has been in foster care for two years, she still has not experienced a “forever family” who will do anything and everything to show their love and commitment to her. Now, she will be coming to the home the Lord has prepared for her, complete with praying parents, a helpful brother, and a sister who can truly understand all of the health challenges she faces. Together, Qavah and I will be able to sympathize and identify with each other at a deeper level than most siblings. We will be able to pray for each other with an accurate realization of what the other one goes through.
I want Qavah to know and recognize the sovereignty of God and how He has already prepared our home, hearts and lives for her arrival. The Life Verse our family has chosen for Qavah is Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. I look forward to watching Qavah experience the “hope and future” God has planned for her life. And I’m thankful He has chosen our family to be a part of that plan.
June 6th, 2007 at 8:39 pm
Katy -
Your thoughts on your new sister are so cool! I’m so excited for your whole family - but you are right - you have a unique perspective on Qavah’s situation! There is no one who can understand her like you can! God has given her a ‘guide’ to help her chart the waters ahead of her - what an amazing gift! We will be praying for you guys as you transition and your family grows!
We love you!
June 6th, 2007 at 9:57 pm
I’m stunned! But God bless you all and God bless the little one coming. His ways are mysterious, but He does all things well, bless His Holy Name.
See you tomorrow, sweetie! Aunt Lil
June 7th, 2007 at 12:45 am
Hey Katy, Congratulations on your new little sister!! I know she will be a wonderful addition to your family. I too enjoyed reading your personal thoughts. You are an extremely gifted writer. May the Lord bless you and your family as you anxiously await the arrival of Qavah. Love, Candice & Crystal
June 19th, 2007 at 12:55 pm
I look forward to having Lorien and Qavah play together. Sounds exciting to hear about the “play area” as well. I know you didn’t write about it but I received an email that mentioned it. I do hope you recover quickly from your surgery so your little sister can come home
You are in my prayers.
June 27th, 2007 at 3:18 pm
Dear katy,
Your new little sister, Qavah, has blessings upon blessings in store for her! I am surprised, too, but can clearly see by the sincerity in your writing and your mother’s that this has been planned by God. His word is faithful and true…..all things work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28. My heart is happy for all of your family!
Love in Him,
Martha Harrison