Thank You
We are busy packing and getting ready for the trip to Fishersville (where my grandparents live). Mom, Dad, and I will leave home around 6pm tonight, spend the night at my grandparents’ home, and then attend the appointment in Charlottesville tomorrow morning at 8:00am. I’m a little nervous about the appointment, but mostly because I’m praying and hoping the doctors will actually do something immediately. I’m currently in another IBD flare-up, which means food is no longer appetizing or easy to digest. Until we get some answers, I’m trying to drink enough to stay hydrated.
I want to thank my Uncle Dan for setting up this website. He has endured numerous questions and site changes. He is a very patient person, not to mention also a lot of fun. Thus, I’ll introduce you to the nickname his daughter and I gave him when we were little: Mr. Excitement. That is Uncle Dan- smart, reliable, and exciting! If you want a business or personal site like mine, please visit his website.
Finally, this is Sanctity of Human Life week. As an adoptee, I can truly say how thankful I am for both “sets” of parents…adopted and biological. Sanctity of Human Life week has always been so meaningful to me and I really do pray, to this day, that my biological parents hear and accept Christ as their personal Savior. I long to see them in Heaven, to thank them face-to-face for their sacrifice. Someone in my original family chose to give me life (of course my birth mother, but I believe others as well). Likewise, I thank my “adopted” parents for obeying God’s calling to have more children through adoption.